Lip Lift Surgery
more than just teeth and gums
What is the "Lip Lift"
The lip lift is a plastic surgery procedure performed to shorten the upper philtrum (the area between the nose and pink part of the lip) to give you a more youthful/beautiful appearance of the lower face and mouth. By shortening the upper lip, our patients show more teeth when they speak and smile, giving them a young and healthy looking smile.
Lip Lift Before & After Photo:
Photos Courtesy of Dr. Ben Talei
Lip Lift FAQs:
How does the Lip Lift relate to Dentistry?
Lip lifts relate to cosmetic dentistry in a very important way! The upper lip defines many things in dentistry, including the amount of teeth that show when you smile or speak, your 'F' and 'V' sounds, and how old you appear to others. As we age, our lips lose elasticity and droop which causes the upper lip to lengthen and get thin. Traditional dental treatment planning involves basing the teeth length on the aged lip length.
Cosmetic Dentistry and the Lip Lift

Dr. Stanley was the first dentist in the world to recognize the critical role of the lips in the youthfulness and attractiveness of the smile. Changes to the lip that occur with aging result in elongation and thinning of the lip, associated with the aged appearance of the face and smile. Cosmetic procedures such as fillers accelerate these aging effects. At the same time, aging of the teeth results in wear which makes the teeth shorter and less visible.
Until recently, patients looking to improve their smile and restore the youthful appearance have either sought treatment to augment the lips with cosmetic surgery, or the teeth with cosmetic dentistry. However, the combination of both treatments has the potential for the most dramatic improvements by addressing both components of aging. Our practice is the first practice to recognize this important combination and treat patients with cosmetic dentistry in conjunction with cosmetic surgery.
Our cosmetic dentist, Dr. Nejad has worked with the top plastic surgeons performing the lip-lift surgery, to obtain the best results for our patients. This is a revolution in dentistry, where instead of basing the teeth length on the aged/thinned lip, he works with a team of top plastic surgeons to restore the lip to the youthful/ideal position and then together, the team will restore the teeth to the perfect shape that fits the face. By incorporating this technique into dentistry, our practice can give patients not only youthfully restored teeth but also ideal lips, mouths, and faces.
Clinical Research
Lip Lifting: Unveiling Dental Beauty
Kyle Stanley, DDS
Adjunct Faculty, Division of Restorative Sciences, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC, Los Angeles, CA, USA Helm Nejad Stanley — Dentistry, Private Practice, Beverly Hills, CA, USA
Matthew Caligluri, DDS
Environdental, Responsible Dental Practices. Private Practice, Los Angeles, California, USA
Luis Henriques Sahlichting, DDS, MS, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of General Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, USA
Panaghlotis K. Bazos, DDS
MClinDent Orthodontics, MOrth (RCS Edin) Private Practice, Aigio, Greece
Michel Magna, MDT, BS
Oral Design Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills, California, USA
Correspondence to: Kyle Stanley, DDS
9201 W. Sunset Blvd Suite 914, Beverly Hills, CA 90069, USA; Tel & fax: +1 310 278 0440; Email: [email protected]
What does the Lip Lift procedure entail?
- Increased tooth display at rest and during smiling
- Younger appearance of the mouth and lower face
- Decrease the length between the nose and upper lip
- Increase the definition of cupids bow and philtral columns
- Subtle pout or eversion of the upper lip
- Fix uneven corners of the mouth
Does the Lip Lift leave a scar?
Traditional bullhorn lip lifts left an unsightly scar but things have changed! With advancements in the technique, many patients have virtually no scarring after their healing phase.
Who are the best candidates for a lip lift?
- Long and thin upper lip
- teeth do not show at rest or during smiling and speaking
- previous lip filler causing "duck lips"
- uneven corners of the mouth
- the feeling that your mouth "looks old"
- old worn front teeth
- smile makeovers with veneers or dental implants
If you have more questions regarding our lip lift, please contact our office today to schedule a consultation.