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Dr. Matt Nejad

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  1. Avatar for SakeraSakera says

    Thank you for such an interesting post. I learned a lot from your article. I have never read any article like this. It is helping me a lot. Can you publish more articles about teeth whitening trays?

  2. Avatar for MoriahMoriah says

    How do I get a set of custom teeth whitening trays and the whitener and how much does it cost

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Moriah- Your dentist can make them for you and the cost varies between $300-900 depending on what’s included and how the trays are made, etc. Lots of trays are flimsy and made poorly so try to get a recommendation for a good dentist.

  3. Avatar for Ellleo RickenEllleo Ricken says


    I heard that american dentists are best in teeth whitening. My teeth have already been bleached twice and are now very sensitive. Has anything gone wrong with the bleaching or may there be another reason? Should I do it once again?


    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Ellleo – It is tough to say because there are a few reasons why teeth can be sensitive. Often times, the in-office bleaching can make your teeth sensitive for a shot period of time (1 week) but does not usually result in long term sensitivity. The better way to whiten your teeth is a low concentration but a long duration. It is safe and proven to be effective without any additional risks. Your teeth could be sensitive due to cavities, recession, clenching/grinding, or a combination of these. First step is to determine the cause of your sensitivity, and then treat it properly to relieve sensitivity. I would recommend addressing the sensitivity prior to doing any additional whitening. I wish you all the best Ellleo!

  4. Avatar for JohnnyJohnny says

    I think that it is interesting that a higher concentration of gel my work faster but will not increase the whiteness achieved. I think that it is better to go with the safer option, especially if the overall whiteness is the same. This is definitely something that I will consider.

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