Dental implants have a success rate of over 95%, and when done properly are the hands-down best way to restore missing teeth. If you are missing any teeth, chances are you have seriously considered dental implants as an option and are probably wondering: How much does a dental implant cost?
How much do dental implants cost?
The price range for a single dental implant (from start to finish) can range from $999 – $12,000. A dental implant is a surgical procedure that usually requires multiple steps or procedures. The price of the implant depends on a few things:
Factors Influencing Price of Dental Implants:
- The Provider (Dental Surgeon) – The price of dental implants varies from dentist to dentist. Dentists base their implant pricing on their location, experience, and implant expertise.
Dental Implant Cost By Country United States $4000 UK $3500 Spain $2700 Italy $1800 Mexico $1600 Lithuania $1400 Romanaia $1250 Costa Rica $1000 Turkey $1000 Hungary $900 Thailand $900 India $850 Croatia $850 - Implant Selection (brand of implant) – The actual implants themselves vary greatly in cost. There are only a handful of reputable companies that produce quality dental implants made from the best materials. Many implants on the market that are made of low grade materials are much cheaper and should be avoided.
- Technology – Similarly to how the quality of implant affects price, the quality of technology influences price as well. With guided technology (using digital technology to place implants with unmatched precision) and other advances in dental implant technology we have greatly increased the success rate. Dentists that use guided technology are more sought after, and therefore more expensive.
- Complexity of Case – Some cases are more complex than others. Complex cases require more time and attention, and therefore cost more than ‘simple’ cases. For example, patients missing a lot of bone and implants that need to be placed close to a nerve are both examples of more complex cases.
- Additional Procedures – Dental implants most often require additional procedures to be successful. The more procedures that need to be done, the more expensive your implant costs. Common additional procedures include:
- Bone Grafting
- Surgical Extraction
- CT Scan (3D X-Ray)
- Tissue Grafting
- Temporary Teeth (while implant is healing)
Dental Implant Long Term Cost
Our office believes that in general, you get what you pay for. No matter what dentist you choose, it is important that your dental implant provider is using the right materials, has proper training, and has a proven track record. While it may seem like a good idea to save money on your implant by cutting corners on cost, it is more cost-efficient to have it done right the first time. Besides, your body is your most valuable investment!
I got some of my teeth knocked out during my hockey game last night and it is not good. Usually I would just shrug it off, but since I’ll be getting married in a month, I kinda need teeth. This helped me know what to expect and I hope that I can afford to have this done before my wedding.