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Dr. Matt Nejad

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  1. Avatar for KellyKelly says

    I am 52 yrs old and have lived a very holistic lifestyle most of my adult life.
    I was a vegan for 4-5 yrs and that is when my teeth began to erode due to severe deficiencies. ( I follow a keto diet now and am much healthier!)

    I am needing my upper right #5 tooth extracted because it is a non-vital tooth now, due to this diet.
    I am looking at the Platelet rich fibrin treatment and am curious what your thoughts are on this? Is it necessary?
    How long does one need to heal from the extraction before getting an implant?

    I am also confused with the titanium implant vs the ceramic zirconia implant- which do your recommend?
    I am getting many mixed reviews.
    I am concerned with heavy metal toxicity and I am not comfortable with having metal in my body- the concern I have with ceramic is that it may not be durable enough in the long run.
    Any guidance would be ever so appreciated!
    Thank you-

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Thank you for reaching out!

      For your questions:

      Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF): PRF can be a beneficial adjunct to healing after an extraction, as it helps promote faster tissue regeneration and bone healing. While it’s not absolutely necessary, many patients see improved healing outcomes with PRF, especially when preparing for a future implant.

      Healing Time Before an Implant: The healing timeline varies based on factors like bone quality, infection risk, and individual healing capacity. Typically, an implant can be placed 3-6 months after extraction. The most accurate estimate comes after implant placement when the initial implant stability can be gauged.

      Titanium vs. Zirconia Implants: Both have their advantages. Titanium implants have a long track record of success, excellent durability, and strong osseointegration with bone. Zirconia implants are a great metal-free alternative, often preferred for patients concerned about metal sensitivity or aesthetics. While zirconia implants have improved in strength and design over the last 10 years, they still have limitations in certain cases compared to titanium and they. The best option depends on the patient, their individual needs, bite forces, and overall oral health. Over 99% of patients have no reactivity to Titanium implants but as you can see in these comments there is still a portion of the population that is affected. Its a hard decision, but most patients and dentists would go with titanium today.

      If you’d like a more personalized evaluation, we’d be happy to discuss your case further. Feel free to reach out to our office to schedule a zoom consultation or visit:

  2. Avatar for SusieSusie says

    Hi, I had #8 extracted and an implant placed incorrectly and immediately removed. Bone graft done. Traumatized by Prostedontist, still need implant on front tooth, wearing flipper. Will an implant work since he had installed one but said it was at wrong angle, then took out, filled jaw w cadaver bone. Was hoping to get zirconia for cosmetic reasons being on front gums…and allergic to fake jewelry. Thanks for your help!

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi- sorry to hear about that. It may work out, it depends on the details like how much bone and how well the bone graft works. If not, you may need to have other bone grafts or consider other options like a bridge but I would prefer an implant as the first option. Best – MN

  3. Avatar for YoussefYoussef says

    Hello, I’m from Morocco, I had a root canal when I was 10 on my First molar and a filling without any crown, the filling started to crack when I was 15-16, and today in 2023 I have the middle of my first molar I feel there is a hole and the right side of the molar teeth is cracked,

    1) what do you recommend should I remove that first molar and do an Implant? (if yes do I go with titanium or zirconium)
    2) or should I go for a crown instead? I went to a dentist and he said that I should do a crown but it was just a quick visit with eye view and I did no X-rays and nothing, but for the crown, I am afraid that they fall later because I do running and gymnastics
    what do you suggest Doc
    Thank you

  4. Avatar for charlescharles says

    I am a leukemia patient. (A.L.L)
    Doing well after a bone marrow transplant 13 years ago.
    My healing and bone are healthy. I’m thinking Zirconia of me. Wanted to get your thoughts.
    Also, it was recommended to do all on 4 for bottom and do bridges on the top.

    Your opinion would be greatly appreciated!

  5. Avatar for LisaLisa says

    I had 2 implants done about 5 years ago and the crown placed on the abutement are not good… they angle into my mouth and cause pain. I think the abutements are in at an angle and the dentist could not get the tooth to go on in the proper position. Either that or when they pulled the two root canals they may not have removed the periodontal ligament and maybe it is infected. Either way pressure from my tongue on the two implants where the root canals were removed is causing problems. I want to get them redone possibly with zirconia implant to replace the titanium. Is there a specific x-ray that can detect if the periodontal ligament is still there and infected. Can I have two implants with zirconia next to each other?

  6. Avatar for PeterPeter says

    I had two zirconia implants placed about 12 years ago – last two lower left molars. The next to last molar implant broke about 7 years ago so I had it removed and replaced with a titanium implant. About 5 years later the abutment broke from that implant and couldn’t be take out and replaced so that implant was also removed – not something I would never like to go through again! The dentist who removed it commented that my bone density was very high and that was the most difficult implant removal he’s ever done.

    An attempt was made to replaced that implant with a zirconia implant but the new dentist couldn’t do it due to the density of my bone – claimed it was too hard and thus abandoned the implant, drilled a larger hole and filled it with cadaver bone so that the implant procedure could be attempted at a later time – waited about 4 months and it was placed but I chewed on it accidentally and it came loose and had to be removed. The implant site was re-packed with cadaver bone so that a 2nd attempt could be tried but that hasn’t happened yet. This dentist said normally the jaw bone is hard at the top part but gets softer once that area is breached by the drill and then the implant is placed. Is this normal? I wanted zirconia due to concern about electrical conductivity claims of titanium. Additionally, the back zirconia implant is still functional even though it’s the only molar I can chew with on the right side.

    I had a failed root canal molar on the right lower molar and the dental surgeon also had a difficult time getting it out due to the dense bone structure. I still haven’t had an implant placed there yet. The last molar has a titanium implant that was placed there about 7 years ago -the crown was loose so my current dentist tightened the abutment 2 times and now the abutment and crown have come out separately – haven’t been able to get back to the dentist to see if it can be saved – hoping it can.

    I’m frustrated since I’ve been missing two lower molars – one on each side for 2 years.

    Are my concerns about titanium overblown? What are you thoughts about just forgoing the zirconia – could the dense bone be preventing the zirconia from being placed?

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Wow! your bone sounds really dense to be having these issues. Any reactivity to titanium implants seems to be really low according to both the literature and my private practice experience. My mom and grandma are both really sensitive individuals and they have no issues they are aware of from titanium implants, and the same goes for 99% of our patients. With that said, its really up to you. The dense bone does make it harder to place the zirconia implant but now there are better designs for zirconia implants with a separate abutment. If the abutment where to fracture, it would be possible to change it, but if the implant has a fracture then it will need to be removed. Ask whoever is placing them to review the options and their opinion on the zirconia implants for your treatment.

  7. Avatar for JoseJose says

    Hi Dr. Nejad,

    After twenty years living abroad and being uninsured, my own mistake, I’ve decided to get full upper and lower jaw implants. I’m a graduate student, so cost is an issue for the next two years. However, my oral health is very important, urgent actually, and although I cannot afford the 35,000 a jaw for uppers and lowers in my native San Francisco, California, I can afford the $10,000 a jaw to get the procedure done at a modern clinic in Mexico.

    If I understand the information on your site, you would recommend against Zirconia for upper and lower jaw implants? I noticed that the Mexico clinics offer both.

    Were we two three years in the future, I would definitely have the procedure completed in the States, but we are not. Is there a standards board for international clinic vetting that you could recommend? I do understand that question may pose a conflict of interest. However, my situation is relatively urgent.

    Kind regards,


    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Jose – I am sorry to hear about that. For full upper and lower, Zirconia has a pretty big compromise and limitations from a structural and prosthetic stance. There is no clinic vetting that I am aware of and it is really not a conflict of interest for me. I want you to get a good outcome, thats my only interest. I do think its not a good decision to assume everything is equal or comparable in these types of clinics. Knowing what I know, I wouldn’t send my friends or family to those types of places. Remember that I don’t personally do implants or surgeries. I work with a handful of top surgeons only because I have seen how big of a difference it makes to work with the experts and I have seen a lot of problems arise from poor planning, cheaper materials, and inadequate experience. The same thing could happen in the States, so my advice is to do your research because no matter where you go, what matters is the skill, quality, materials, and expertise.

  8. Avatar for DeborahDeborah says

    Hi there!
    I’m in Australia and we had 16 months of hard lockdown with no dental procedures. During that time a crown on my front left incisor split the root and an infection developed which eroded the bone and in the two adjacent teeth. In December 2021 I had the root removed and received antibiotic treatment. I also had a bone graft which was pronounced successful.
    However. I have a number of auto-immune disorders, tooth grinding and a gummy smile. I use mouth guards at night or when napping. the crown had lasted about 40 years so it had done well overall. (It did look URGLY though…that’s my French grandmother’s accent there…).
    I’ve got a invisi-align style plate style thing with a tooth but I can’t wear it much for hygiene reasons as food gets stuck it is pretty much just for photos.
    It’s very limiting, it’s like I’m still in lockdown! Also I get humiliation from having a missing tooth. It’s like you’re a leper. I was recently told I’m “a loser” which wasn’t much fun.

    The status of my gums is excellent/very good, my oral surgeon is also pleased with the healing. I reformed a few years ago and am religious about using dental floss. I have some gum recession on the site of the removal and the prosthetic invisi-tooth doesn’t line up anymore there’s a bit of a gap, but the surgeon was expecting that as there is no tooth there.

    Key issues: Because of the auto-immune disorders I’m concerned that I will end up rejecting a titanium implant. I raised concerns with my oral surgeon about this and the visual thing of seeing grey gums, but got no response. I asked him to look into using the zirconia one. Naturally he’s inundated with work backlogs because of the long lockdowns I don’t want to be a pain. But also I don’t want yet more autoimmune issues and I don’t want decades more of URGLY that’s also going to cost a bomb. Call me difficult…lol!

    I can only find one dental surgeon in Australia who is using the zirconia type implants. There just isn’t the uptake here. My dental surgeon said 95% of people have no issues with the titanium. But if you’re in the 5% that’s a 100% problem if you take my point. I’m only banging on about this because I’ve had doctors overlook serious problems because I wasn’t exhibiting all the symptoms. My brother got stage 4 melanoma, but it was the rare, non pigmented type and he was in the 5%. Get my point? Medical practice does tend to be along the lines of Occam’s razor which is fair enough. but it can be a real risk for some people who have to live with and manage the outcomes.

    I’m pretty careful with my oral hygiene and lasted a long time with that crown, my oral surgeon was actually amazed at it.
    My oral surgeon warned me that I had to get an implant soon after the bone graft procedure had healed. This is because apparently bone can reduce over time if it’s not got the stimulation of the tooth vibration from eating. To try to remedy this I’ve been using the vibrations from my electric toothbrush using the slow setting, on my gums back and front. Just thinking outside the box while in this holding position… and it seems to be working.

    I’ve heard I can get an injection of botox to alter the smile so the metal might be less visible. Also heard it’s possible to get it in my jaw to lessen the urge to clench.
    It would be great if you could respond to these issues….

    I’ve had an URGLY metal gummy smile most of my adult life from the crown, I just want an optimal situation here if possible. Of course I appreciate there are no absolutes, it’s about balancing risks, the known and the unknown and likely outcomes. It seems I may have to travel overseas for treatment.
    Thanks in advance!

  9. Avatar for JoanneJoanne says

    Hi, I have been reading your information with great interest. I am in a position where I will require all my teeth to be replaced (thanks to neglectful parents). However I have always had a bad reaction to nickel when wearing cheap jewellery and other nickel containing accessories so would therefore never consider titanium as an option for dental implants. I note you state that zirconium dental implants are not ideal in cases requiring all teeth being replaced or in implant retained dentures. As your article was dated 2016, have there been any advancements since then for full teeth replacement? I don’t think I could afford to have individual teeth replacements with zirconia detal implants. I would be grateful for any advice.

  10. Avatar for A.A. says

    Hi there! 🙂

    I have always been an extremely healthy person and rarely went to the doctor throughout my childhood/young adulthood. That changed at the age of 23 when I broke my front teeth in May 2014 and had a titanium implant placed anteriorly in July 2014. Since that implant, I have increasingly experienced severe medical issues, one of which is an autoimmune condition. It has reached a point that I am unable to walk without taking medication. What are your thoughts on titanium causing autoimmune issues? Looking at the research there are mixed opinions, but anecdotally there are many stories of people’s bodies being leached from by titanium causing major health problems as well as developing Lupus and other issues as a result. I have completed metals testing and am not allergic to titanium. My doctor has offered to do a Zirconia switch if I would like, but that involves bone grafting and a 6-8 month healing process with no guarantee of changed symptomatology, so I am hesitant to do it with any haste without greater confidence about switching. My doctor is saying “there is no research proving that” however, I have found almost a dozen articles disproving that claim through Springer, Elsevier, and others sources:

    Here a woman’s problems were relieved by removal of a titanium implant:
    Here it is endorsed that there is causation:

    And there are more I could provide.

    Please let me know your thoughts! 🙂

  11. Avatar for VickiVicki says

    Is there a test to see if you’re allergic to titanium before doing implants?

  12. Avatar for MarshaMarsha says

    Hi there- I am looking to replace my all in 4’s with one made of zirconia material. I have the lower teeth pulled in 2016 and the plate material used is now yellowing and wearing down substantially. It’s been recommended that I have the current plate replace by one made of zirconia. The price I was quoted is $12,900. I am looking around in hopes of finding a less expensive solution.

  13. Avatar for JennaJenna says

    Please explain about to be ” key opinion leader for the most advanced dental implant company, Nobel Biocare”.

    • Avatar for adminadmin says

      Hi Jenna- Opinion leaders in dentistry provide feedback and ideas to improve dental products or technologies. They are experts, scientists, academics, or respected professionals.

  14. Avatar for jimjim says

    Are zirconia implants white colored or could they also be silver/metalic looking?

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Jim, Good question. They are always white-colored. They are not silver/metallic looking. Best-MN

  15. Avatar for MelanieMelanie says

    Hi, thankyou for your advice and time in advance.
    I am a 49 yr old women with severe periodontal disease( extreme phobia) but for the last year I have found a specialist and have had laser gum treatment etc and probably surgery on two areas soon.
    My question is but bottom front four teeth are going to be removed , I have a lot of bone and gum loss, do you believe I have any chance of ever having implants or should I work towards good quality dentures, the bone loss is very bad, my periodontist does not do implants and has said until gums are sorted I can’t go forward.
    I am extremely allergic to most things especially metals, but general health very good, so do I explore alternative implants for future or realistic have to have a denture.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Melanie,

      I believe it is possible, but you may need some sort of grafting and an implant-supported bridge. Of course, the details are very important and I agree that you need to have a controlled and healthy oral environment before grafting, implants, or any other major work if you want to avoid problems. All the Best- MN

  16. Avatar for LynnetteLynnette says

    So what if you are allergic to metal and your gums become infected and painful? Can they be taken out for free if this happens?

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Lynnette. That is a good question for whoever is doing your implant. If you are asking my opinion, then I would say taking it out is not free. Dental procedures are not “products”. They are services and the success rate is never 100%. The procedure is at the mercy of numerous factors that are completely my control including patient care, biology, maintenance, etc. I could either charge a fee significantly high enough to include all possible complications or charge for any additional services as needed. I would most likely charge a discounted fee if the implant had to be removed. Keep in mind I do not do the implant surgery personally, but I just wanted to share my opinion. In general, I would prefer not to do any treatment if unpreventable failures are expected to be managed free of charge. Best- MN

  17. Avatar for MarcieMarcie says

    HI, I got one imediate titanium implant and bone graft done at the same time as the removal of infected tooth extraction on number 19 molar. I am being told from a second opinion that the implant was placed too low and that I could have problems later in the future due to the implant style being one that was meant for front teeth. The brand is strauman, but I am being told I should get the ceramic abutment and ceramic crown. I’m not sure what my best option is for the implant or who to believe, my surgeon says its not too low and the crown specialist says its a high risk tooth since there should have been the other implant done where its meant for back teeth. Please help! Thanks

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Marcie. I’m sorry you are in this position. I have a few things to discuss with you:
      1) I do not like having implants and bone grafting done at the same time as extractions in infected tooth sites. This is not optimal but people do it.
      2) Once an implant is placed, removing it should be the last resort if you can get acceptable performance, esthetics, results, and success. When you say ceramic abutment and ceramic crown, that does not imply changing the implant since both of those components attach to the implant but I wasn’t sure if that was clear to you.
      3) I can’t comment on the details of your specific situation without records and consultation. It is impossible to know who I agree with or what my opinion is without seeing it.

      My advice is to get more opinions but since the implant is placed, I highly doubt removing it is an option and therefore your focus should be to determine if restoring the implant will give acceptable results for you. If you can get your records (x-rays, treatment details, etc. then we could do a virtual consultation. Otherwise, try someone local but do your research, please. All the Best- MN

  18. Avatar for ShaunaShauna says

    Hi Doctor,
    Firstly thank you so much for all of the helpful information on your website. It’s incredibly informative and very obvious that you really care for your patients. If I wasn’t so far away I would have already made an appointment to see you.

    So this is my situation, I am 27. I had an infected Root Canal on my lateral incisor which was extracted in October last after a bike accident. Shortly afterwards the adjacent canine died and was also extracted. I have always had good teeth and a nice smile and have prided myself on my teeth so all of this has been devastating. I had planned on getting two implants (both ceramic) but my oral surgeon has just informed me that it is only possible to do a ceramic implant on the canine tooth as the sizes that the ceramic implants come in are too big to match the size of the other lateral and it will make my smile ‘wonky’. A 8mm can be used for the canine but a 6mm is needed for the lateral. I am a singer so the finished result being both functional and aesthetically pleasing is important to me. What would you recommend? Do you think a ceramic implant for the canine teamed up with a Maryland bridge for the lateral would be a good option? My central incisor has also been prepped for a crown. I’m very much at a loss at what to do here. Would a titanium implant be suitable for the lateral also as a second option? Or (sorry for all of the questions but I really want to make an informed decision) would the ceramic implant on the canine along with a two unit bridge on the incisor work too?

    Lastly, has there been any improvements made to ceramic implants that has enabled smaller sizes to be implanted successfully since this article was published?

    Thank you in advance for your help.
    Kind regards.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Shauna- You are most welcome. I do not agree with the assessment you were provided.

      If a 6 mm implant length is needed for the lateral, have you explored ridge augmentation? The details are very important for your case. If you only have 6 mm of bone height in the location of the lateral incisor, then I would at least explore ridge augmentation and have some consultations to see the options to improve the implant site. I would imagine this will likely improve the esthetic outcome of your treatment too, but maybe your upper lip covers this region entirely. It’s completely fine if you choose to skip any additional surgery or procedures, but you should at least be aware of the options. Often times doing it the right way now will take longer, but it will end up being more stable and costing less in the long run. Shortcuts are usually not ideal.

      I would not recommend doing a cantilever bridge (2 unit bridge) for the zirconia implant. Zirconia is more brittle and I would want to avoid extra complications. Titanium would be better if you decide to go with cantilever bridge off of the canine implant. The condition of your bite and how your teeth are arranged is important for this. You could also consider a Maryland bridge for the lateral attached to your central. All the Best- MN

  19. Avatar for Cindy BondCindy Bond says

    Drs. Nejad and Stanley,

    I have had a top denture for years and have no problem holding it in with not use of adhesives. However I got bottom dentures in 11/2019. Had to return to the surgeon three times to remove bone pieces that had pierced through my gums causing extreme pain. To date, I am able to wear the bottom denture but i HAVE to use some type of adhesive. I have tried them ALL – NONE of them work – if they do hold, the glue melts and its a mess in my mouth and they fall out within hours. I certainly cannot eat with them in, I take two bites and my mouth is full of food and a loose denture!

    I would like to get implants but I have been tested for titanium and am allergic to it as I had to have a stimulator removed from my back due to extreme poisoning of titanium found in my blood. Are the other type worth the money and time to get them? I am disabled and also am starting a new biologic for my Autoimmune Disease. Thank you for your time.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Cindy- Top dentures do work better due to the natural anatomy of the hard and soft tissue. It is very conducive to forming a suction fit but this is not possible on the lower a majority of the time. Zirconia implants have improved a lot and they are definitely worth considering, especially if you have adequate bone for ideal implant placements. Wish you all the Best-MN

  20. Avatar for BrookeBrooke says

    Hi Dr. Matt Nejad,
    I need one molar replaced with an implant and I am very conflicted about what material to use. The zirconia is much more expensive and may fracture down the line. But I worry that a titanium implant will corrode and leach into my body. I read a study showing that people who have any sort of titanium implant have much higher levels than people without them. High titanium levels can lead to a whole host of issues including autoimmune disorders. Do you have any suggestions or thoughts? Reference below.

    • Avatar for adminadmin says

      Hi Brooke,
      I understand the dilemma and this reminds me of how important it is for dentistry, as a profession, to prioritize preventing teeth loss in the first place. There is no perfect solution, but keeping teeth is the best approach. I can’t make the decision for you, but studies like the one you referenced are not completely applicable to dental implants due to the amount of titanium in question. The first study was looking at tibia, femur, or humerus and all these are several hundred or thousand times larger than a dental implant. Also, the location of these implants is different than dental implants. Dental implants are placed into bone but NOT surrounded by muscle or vasculature like the orthopedic implants in the study. Titanium has been the material of choice for dental implants, and a majority of patients report no symptoms. With that said, it’s important to emphasize how complex the body is and how there are significant variations among the population. Given your concern, you may be more comfortable with Zirconia but the other concerns about strength are definitely valid. I personally would use titanium if I was getting an implant, but I think your concerns would be best addressed by Zirconia. To prevent fracture, make sure you are protecting against clenching and grinding with an occlusal guard (night guard) and your bite is stable and free from any heavy contacts, especially on the implant site.

  21. Avatar for Robert KellyRobert Kelly says

    I’ve had three frustrating early-stage zirconia implant failures. I’m wondering (hoping) if a change of material (titanium) could make a difference. My father and brother have had several successful titanium implants.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Bummer, I’m sorry to hear that. Were they all one piece implants? The two-piece design could help in the healing phase as you can bury them under the gums while they heal. There is a chance it is not the zirconia but it is your body. Are you healthy?

  22. Avatar for ronron says

    A total nonsense and very outdated information about zirconia implants on ur site.
    So called one piece zirconium is actually a two piece that avoids all the nonsense of multiple pieces of titanium structures and avoids all the bacteria build up!
    I have mine for 5 years and NO cracks at all as it was installed using 3D!!!!
    Also titanium in your mouth is like having an acid car battery in your mouth.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Ron, Your one experience hardly constitutes as science. You can see other people who have had zirconia implants with failures. I’m not sure what you gain by using your one indivdual experience to try to create confusion for others, but please understand that scientifically speaking, most people who have Titanium implants have no reportable irritation, complication, or issue. The number of people who fall into this category is exponentially greater than those who have had Zirconia implants. Countless people have had life-changing transformations thanks to Titanium, and only after nearly 60 years do all the potential side effects start presenting themselves. Are you that convinced that Zirconia is the perfect solution? I am positive it is not “perfect” though I am completely open to its potential. Over the next 60 years, we will see what problems will arise with Zirconia Implants. Patients need accurate information to make informed decisions. Regarding one piece being actually 2 piece- No that’s completely incorrect and so is your statement that additional pieces are nonsense. I wish you all the best.

    • Avatar for RobertRobert says

      Ron, I have had a lower #18 molar crack all the way to the root in 1998. I was lucky, and my dentist pulled it, as I was in
      extreme pain. Once the jaw-bone filled in, I had a periodontist replaced it with a Titanium implant. I have absolutely no issues with my implant in 24 years. The “tooth” is strong as a rock. I wish all our teeth could be like this, but that would be very expensive. Best of luck to you. -Robert

  23. Avatar for MaryMary says

    Hi Doctor. I had a titanium implant in mid-October. Beginning immediately after the surgery, I have had continual very annoying and sometimes heavy nasal discharge that drains in the back of the throat, but no other symptoms (headaches, head pressure, etc). What I have just discovered is that if I drink or eat something acidic, the nasal discharge begins. If I balance it with something alkaline, the discharge stops. Is this an allergy to the titanium? I know that xenograft was used for the bone graft. My oral surgeon says everything looks good otherwise. I have had some chills the last few weeks but could be related to flu. Thank you so much for any help you can provide. Wondering if I need to go to a zirconia implant.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says


      Difficult to tell with this information. If your oral surgeon says it looks ok, it probably is ok. The nasal discharge could be seen if the implant position is too close to the sinus or nasal cavity. A post-operative CT scan could help rule this out.

    • Avatar for MaryMary says

      Thanks for that prompt reply. I did have a cone beam scan and the oral surgeon all looked well. i am going to get a second opinion now i think. I understand that chronic sinusitis can sometimes be a side affect of these implants. I also just read that fluoride and tap water with fluoride can sometimes accelerate titanium corrosion as well as acidity in the mouth, causing inflammatory, allergy, and autoimmune problems. Just wondering if you have every experienced this with your patients. Could this possibly explain my situation (eating acidic substances causes an allergic reaction which causes the nasal drainage to start flowing?). This would make me go to zirconia implant if so. I think a blood test would tell me this. Thanks for any additional comments.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      A blood test is probably a good place to start. Your foods would have to be pretty acidic to cause corrosion. Also, the implant would have to be exposed in your mouth to allow this acidic solution to corrode it.

    • Avatar for MaryMary says

      Thanks for the helpful advice. Actually the implant is exposed since I won’t put the crown on until we can figure out what is causing the constant nasal drainage. But nonetheless I appreciate and hope you are right about the amount of acidity needed to cause corrosion. This is a great forum! If I get any interesting answers back over the next few months about this that would be useful, I’ll let you know. Thanks again.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Please do, thank you!!

  24. Avatar for Lola DLola D'Amato says


    I am currently weighing up whether to go with the Z or T abundment. I am 4 months into the fusing process and will have my crowns fitted in two months. I have lost molars 13 and 4 due to a root canal I never had completed, I’m worried about the grey staining on the gums that I have heard many people complain about, do you think I should speak with my dentist about switching to Zirconium ambundmants when it comes to that stage of the process ?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      The best type of abutment is a titanium base with a zirconia abutment. If there is sufficient bone and tissue and the implant is placed in the correct position, you will not be any grey show through. That is only seen when the implant is placed in the wrong position or the tissue is very thin.

  25. Avatar for HawleyHawley says

    Thank you so much for your informative forum. I am in need of a re-do on my bottom set of dentures with existing implants. I am limited in my access to treatment as I live in the middle of nowhere in a small town in Wyoming, and have been vacillating on whether to “upgrade” to zirconia.
    I appreciate your openness and knowledge with what appears to be high integrity!

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      For full arch cases, Zirconia is not a great option as the restorative components are highly limited. I would still go with titanium unless you have a true documented allergy.

  26. Avatar for JeffJeff says

    I had tooth #13 extracted in the upper left quadrant June 2019. I’ve been waiting for the bone graft to heal. From the xray 10/1/19, they said it’s good but not great so wait a little longer. My question is I’d prefer to do a zirconia implant. The issues with zirconia seem to be one piece designs may be prone to cracking and cement being used with a crown. What are your thoughts if a two piece system is used with a screw attached crown (not sure who offers, maybe Strauman or Nobel)?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      I think a two-piece is better than a one-piece but is still limited in the restorative options. If you don’t have a documented titanium allergy, I would go with titanium at this point.

  27. Avatar for lisa j olsenlisa j olsen says

    HI Doctor – My tooth #30 was removed – it was fractured – about 2 years ago (I am 58). At the time of the extraction, I had a bone graft done, and then 4 months later the implant screw was placed. 4 or 5 months after that, when the oral surgeon went to check the implant, it was not adhered to the bone, and it was removed. He did another graft, placed another implant several months later, and thought it was functional. But 2 months later, when the general dentist tried to take off the healing abutment to place the abutment for the crown, the implant came out along with the healing abutment. So I have had 2 failures of the titanium implants, back to back. And they can’t say why. I don’t have osteoporosis, I don’t smoke, no gum disease, decent hygeine. All I can say is that at every step of the process, I had more pain than was expected. And now that it’s out, I feel pretty good. I’m hesitant to get a bridge, because two more teeth have to be worked on and possibly put at risk. FOr now, I am getting a partial to fill the gap, but that’s a short term, rather than a long term, solution. I have to let the bone heal for now. I think I may be sensitive to titanium, but I have metal in both knees that’s never been a problem. Any advice? Should I think about a zirconium implant down the line? If I wanted another implant in another location in the future, would this be likely to happen again?
    Thanks for your time.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      I would suspect this is more of a grafting problem than a titanium problem. I wouldn’t recommend a Zr implant in the #30 position since that takes a large amount of forces. I would wait 6 months to let the implant heal just to be safe. Perhaps you take longer to heal. I would also verify that there is sufficient soft tissue thickness. I’d be happy to take a look at your case.
      Dr. Stanley

  28. Avatar for KarenKaren says

    After a failed crown I had my upper right molar, second to last, removed a year ago and am awaiting implant. My dentist ordered the guide from AB dental saying it was much more precise than without the guide. Unfortunately due to a concussion, i had to put off the implant surgery as the thought of someone drilling my head was unbearable. My dentist never told me any of the risks other than the fact that some implants fail In the interim I came across research showing that Ti implants are not pure and that a Ni or other alloy allergy can cause issues even years later. The company will not give me a composition answer. I also read that the patch test can be unreliable and the Melissa test can have false positives and is very expensive so I dont know what to do. I have had sensitivities to cheap jewelry jn the past. I dont want to rush the surgery due to paying for the guide and am not sure if the tests are worthwhile. I believe AB owns Nobel now, do you know them? Would you recommend a test, if so which or would Zr be better?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      If you are sensitive to jewelry. I would recommend a test. For molars, I would recommend titanium unless you have a true allergy and then I would go with a Zr implant or a bridge.
      Dr. Stanley

    • Avatar for CatrenaCatrena says

      Dr. Where are you located?

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      We are located in Beverly Hills, California. Our contact info is here.

  29. Avatar for DevonDevon says

    Hello i got more information about implants from this great blog post alone than most of my research in the last 2 years after my tooth extraction. In one of your comments i read that you don’t recommend putting an implant for the #2 molar? I just took out the stitches today and i tried some food but the #2 molar was on the side i chew with mostly. Something i am worried about is having a metallic taste in my mouth from having an implant, is it normal or common with with people who have titanium implants or can it be the results of something medical or bad positioned implant or just a psychological phobia of mine? Thank you

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Thank you. I have never had a patient with a metal taste in their mouth, however, I have heard about this from patients with tru allergies to titanium (pretty rare).
      Dr. Stanley

  30. Avatar for DawnDawn says

    I am surprised this dentist has never had any patient’s with battery mouth and states the science doesn’t support it. The science does support it. I had a serious case of it and as soon as the 2 unlike metals were removed from my mouth, all of my issues stopped.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Dawn, There is nothing surprising about not experiencing it. I believe you, but that doesn’t make it a common occurrence. I am glad your issues stopped and wishing you all the best.

  31. Avatar for Helen BuiHelen Bui says

    Hi Dr. Stanley, Dr. Nejad,

    I need implant for my front tooth. For a titanium implant, beside titanium what are the other alloys that get mix in with titanium? I want to know the percentage of the other alloys as compared to titanium as I am somewhat allergic to nickel.

    Thank you for your help.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Helen- unfortunately there is no one specific combination that is used universally. This type of information really should be included with every implant, but unfortunately is not. In a 2019 study by Chaubey et al., they examined the composition of 5 brands and found varying amounts of: Titanium, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Tin, Vanadium, Molybdenum, Zirconium, Niobium, Zinc, Tungsten, and Nickel. In a few (3) of the implants tested, Titanium made up over 99% and in the other 2 titanium was 89%. Wishing you all the best- Matt Nejad DDS

  32. Avatar for Jacques ImbeauJacques Imbeau says

    Dear colleague: May I suggest you update the information on this page as it is now out of date and some information is misleading. There are two-piece zirconia implants with screwable abutments that have been available for years and offer the same advantages as titanium systems without the issue of corrosion. Apart from titanium allergy, there are other potential problems associated with titanium and its alloys, especially in individuals with specific polymorphisms (genetic susceptibility) – local and/or systemic effects . There is a lot of new research about this.

    Kind regards

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Absolutely. At the time of this writing, they were not available. We will work on this, but we have been very busy. We wrote the article in a way to leave room for improvements as Zirconia implant systems evolve and improve. Wishing you all the best- Matt Nejad DDS.

    • Avatar for FlashFlash says

      You place the article below on 09/05/2022

      – I am sorry to hear about that. For full upper and lower, Zirconia has a pretty big compromise and limitations from a structural and prosthetic stance. There is no clinic vetting that I am aware of and it is really not a conflict of interest for me. Updates are so important. Quit confusing us.

      Doctors; Nejad and Stanley We pay quite a bit of money for implants. Please give us the correct information/science.

      Thanks Jacques Imbeau
      Dear colleague: May I suggest you update the information on this page as it is now out of date and some information is misleading. There are two-piece zirconia implants with screwable abutments that have been available for years and offer the same advantages as titanium systems without the issue of corrosion. Apart from titanium allergy, there are other potential problems associated with titanium and its alloys, especially in individuals with specific polymorphisms (genetic susceptibility) – local and/or systemic effects . There is a lot of new research about this.

      Kind regards

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      I am sorry you feel that way. The information is correct. There some advancements including two-piece zirconia implant options but most still do not have this and the systems are very limited. Zirconia implants are still a big compromise from a restorative and mechanical standpoint. This is especially true for more complex treatments. I am giving you the most correct information possible. It’s not as simple as you seem to think. As a professional obsessed with this field and the science, I can guarantee you the top periodontists in the world agree on titanium implants being the optimal choice for most patients. This article and all the comments show that there is a lot of individual variation in what is tolerable or compatible for one person may not be for another. Most patients can NOT afford additional testing to further screen potential sensitivity, and all complications lead to greater cost and difficulty to address. The most recent article (2022) indicates that testing including MELISA, ECT, and LTT all show inconsistent results in predicting titanium hypersensitivity. So it is clear that there is no ideal implant system for ALL patients. I firmly believe that zirconia implants are the right choice for most patients but not necessarily ALL patients. Again, I have no conflict of interest. Whether a patient gets a zirconia implant or a titanium implant, does not affect me in any way. What I care about is helping educate people and preventing them from being scammed or taken advantage from those who use these topics for personal gain. I personally deal with this in my practice all the time, with patients thinking they were receiving the best care because of buzz words and concepts that appeal to people who are looking for alternative care. I hope this helps.

  33. Avatar for StacyStacy says

    I am at a loss as to which path to take. I was born with Oligodontia, because of this I had only 19 permanent teeth come in. I had extensive mouth work done as a child and at age 18 had a full set of bridges and crowns put in. I am grateful to my parents for all of this. Fast forward 35 years later and they are beginning to fail. I have healed myself naturally from a Non Hodgkin Lymphoma in the past 16 months so I am super hyper about what is going into this body. Now that that crisis is over and I am in remission, I really need to address my teeth. I need them so I can continue my raw diet. I had to have a bridge removed in the back due to the decay under that molar, lose one lose three. So we are looking at two implants back their as well as on the other side. Bone graft doctor I will be seeing today.
    Since I already have a mouth full of platinum gold and Lord knows what else, I am super concerned about all the variations us metals reacting and causing corrosion. I am only 52 and dentures kinda freak me out. But I also don’t want to tax my immune system and have the cancer return. (Ugh, more stress). I was all excited about the Zirconium, but then read this. Since I will probably have to replace all f the bridges, titanium the s really all we have? I will definitely get the MELISA test done, but I am not sure where to go from here and I am having a challenging time finding a dentist who even does implants as holistically as possible. If you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate.

    Kindly, Stacy

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hi Stacy,

      I think for you a MELISA test would be a nice start for you. At that point, you can make the decision on what you would like to do. I wish you luck in your decision.
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

    • Avatar for kumarkumar says

      platinum, gold, etc do not react – they are called inert/noble metals.
      However i am not sure the dentist on this web site is really knowledgeable.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Kumar,
      Please do not spread incorrect information. Restorations are not pure gold or noble metals. They are alloys with different percentages of noble metals.

  34. Avatar for Mary A.Mary A. says

    I have had periodontal disease since I was a teen and I fight hard for my teeth. I encountered an infection on Molar #2 that had a root canal and crown on it. I had it extracted two years ago and a bone graft done at the time of extraction. I have had multiple gum surgeries, etc and have a lot of bone loss, mostly on the top teeth. My top teeth are all totally crowned at this point. My question is, because of the bone loss, would it be foolish to spend the 4000 to get the implant just to maybe have the same problem down the road? I am a candidate for the implant. A cone beam was recently done and I have enough bone but I am hesitant about spending that kind of money on one tooth with my issues. Every time that I have a cleaning I am told about my bone loss and deep pockets. Thank you.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hi Mary,

      This is a great question. The short answer is yes, I would recommend an implant but on a few conditions. Implants must be placed in mouths that are clean and without disease. Therefore if you have ACTIVE periodontal disease, I wouldn’t recommend an implant at this time as it would be more likely to fail, however, if your bone loss is from years ago and you have healthy gums but with previous bone loss, I would say that you would be a candidate for an implant at this time. If your dentist still says you have deep pockets, you may need to get this under control before placing an implant. I wish you all the best in your struggle with your gum disease.
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

    • Avatar for Mary A.Mary A. says

      Thank you Dr. Stanley. You are so kind to answer our questions. I do continue to strive to keep my gum issues under control as I visit the dentist every three months. This damage all happened when I was a child through teen years. My parents were not proactive with our dental care. Therefore, out of seven siblings, I am the only one to still have my teeth. I have invested a lot of money into my teeth along with veneers on my front six top teeth. Thank you again for taking the time to answer all of our questions. If I lived in your area, I would definitely consider your dental services as I can tell how caring you are.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Thank you for the kind words! I wish you all the best.
      -Dr. Kyle Stanley

  35. Avatar for Patrice K CodyPatrice K Cody says

    Hello. I had #19 pulled last week (fractured) and a bone graft at that time. I have Hashimotos Disease. Do you have any knowledge of thyroid disease, or any other auto immune disease that has affected patients and their ability to heal from an implant or even their body rejecting it due to their inflammatory disease ? Thank you.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Patrice,

      This is a great question as many patients suffer from hypothyroidism. The good news is that there was a study on this that concluded: “This study suggests that medically controlled hypothyroid female patients treated with dental implants are not at higher risk of implant failure when compared with matched controls, and that a history of controlled hypothyroidism does not appear to be a contraindication for implant therapy with endosseous implants.”

      So as long as your hypothyroidism is controlled, you shouldn’t have any increased risk. Just understand that there are always risks with any surgical procedure.
      I hope this helps!
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

  36. Avatar for DanielDaniel says

    Drs. Stanley/Nejad,

    I have a root canal on tooth #19. It has become ?fractured/infected and an implant has been recommended after pulling the tooth and doing a cadaver bone graft. My sister is concerned about the titanium implant as I have amalgam fillings, a gold crown and multiple other crowns. I have a history of atrial fibrillation and have had two ablation procedures for it. She informs me that adding all these different metals can cause battery mouth which can cause atrial fibrillation. She has given me some online links which support negative electrical effects from multiple metals. She has informed me that zirconia implants avoid the battery mouth problem.

    I spoke with my dentist who felt the battery mouth was a rare problem, but told me about a patient who hears the radio through his mouth.

    I would appreciate your advice.

    God bless you!


    Daniel Joyce, M.D.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Dr Joyce,

      Thank you for the comment. I have heard of “battery mouth” before but there is little, if any, scientific journals supporting this. We have hundreds of patients with old gold crowns, amalgam fillings, and they have titanium dental implants with absolutely no problem. However, if you felt better getting a zirconia-based implant, that would be fine as long as you understand the drawbacks of their design.
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

  37. Avatar for MraMra says

    I’m holding off on having two molars extracted, #3 and #14 and getting implants because I’m undecided on implant type, although my preference is zirconia. I read an article dated 10/2017 on that customers will soon be able to offer their patients the first metal free two piece screw retained implant. 1) Do you have any information on this new implant and when it will be available? 2) I’d like to have my molars extracted now and wait on getting the implants until I decide on the implant long can I wait after having teeth extracted to get implants?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says


      We still have no word yet on the new two-piece implant from Nobel Biocare since it all depends on the FDA and nothing goes quickly when the FDA is involved. If you need some teeth extracted, I would recommend getting them removed and have the area grafted to prepare you for your future implants. If you use a well-documented grafting material like xenograft, it will stay for many years so you can wait until they have the implants you like and not worry. Good luck with your treatment.
      -Dr. Stanley

  38. Avatar for AmyAmy says

    Hi I’m researching getting in Plants right now I’ve went to two places I’m worried about making the wrong choice one offer to tanium and one offer zirconia, I’m going to have my full upper mouth done I would like to anyways is there any recommendations you can give me any places in the California area that you could recommend for me to have a preliminary consult I just don’t want to jump into anything too fast. But it’s very important to me that I have this done for myself. I would love any recommendations.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Amy,

      You are smart to have some consultations and make sure you really feel comfortable before you go through with treatment. I would be happy to consult with you about your case to answer any questions you might have. We are in the Beverly Hills area of Los Angeles.

      When you are going through a full arch treatment, it is very important to not only have great surgical components (implants) but also the restorative components (abutments and crowns). Full-arch treatment takes special components known as multi-unit abutments that unfortunately, zirconia implants do not offer due to their one-piece design. Your case must be designed in a digital format to verify you have the correct bone positioning for ideal implant placement and your implants should be placed through “guided implant surgery” for optimal results. This ensures that the teeth on top of the implants are in the correct position to be useful, cleanable, and esthetic. Please give our office a call at 310-278-0440 and we can get you scheduled for a consultation.
      -Dr. Stanley

  39. Avatar for Tom GaetaTom Gaeta says

    Dr Nejad,
    I have an appt. next week with an expert implantologist in Boca Raton here and he will be inserting two in the gum Zirconia screws to attach abutments to later on. The bone is thin in
    the two missing tooth locations. Your blog here had me scared a bit until I researched Nobel Biocare which just announced they will be offering Zirconia to their clients about now in 2018. Good news that you don’t have to shill for titanium anymore or do you still think Zirconia is not a good material for implants? *(People, you need to do all the research and not just trust one or another doctor with such an important medical procedure.)

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Tom!

      I personally still prefer Titanium due to their long-term success and proven track record unless a patient has a true titanium allergy which is very rare. I am excited to get the new Nobel Biocare two-piece Zirconia implants in my hands to see how I like them with my patients. I hope your surgery goes well and we wish you all the best!
      -Dr. Kyle Stanley

  40. Avatar for Michael JMichael J says

    Thanks for all the great information. Following an accident I had only two upper teeth remaining. Since having those removed I now have a full plate and am researching implants. Two clinics have told me I have great bone structure for the “all on 4” implants. Of these two clinics, one does a final teeth of all zirconia and the other does the final on a titanium bar. Are there concerns I should have with either offering? Are they equally appropriate and offer similar endurance? Is there a preference, with good reason, of one over the other?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Michael this is a great question. Most of the answers are on our blog at this address:

      In general, Zirconia is a very strong and beautiful restoration but can click a little bit if the bottom teeth are also zirconia. If it was my mouth, I would have the Zirconia bridge. I’m interested to hear your thoughts after reading the above article.
      Dr Kyle Stanley

  41. Avatar for JenJen says

    Hi, I know this forum is for implant; however, the doctors here seems to be very helpful and knowledgeable, so I thought I’d ask some non-implant related questions. Since my RCT in Sept 2017, I’ve been experiencing pain in one of the root canal treated teeth and pain refers to my left nose and eye. A recent CT scan shows bone loss, which was not there before RCT, and I was told I need a re-treatment if it doesn’t resolve on its own. Because of my liver issue I can’t take Ibuprofen for the pain. Can I ask what pain killer isn’t too harmful to the liver and kidney? Thank you.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Jen. I’m sorry about your pain. Normally we would use ibuprofen, acetaminophen, or tramadol but I’m not sure which is best for your particular liver condition. I would check with the treating physician to find out what is recommended and the maximum dose which is safe for your liver. Of course, the best treatment would be to take care of the source of the pain with a re-treatment or extraction. All the best- Matt Nejad DDS

    • Avatar for Dr. Bruce SchneiderDr. Bruce Schneider says

      Hi Jen, Ibuprofen is processed through the kidneys and not the liver. Tylenol, on the other hand is very toxic to the liver and should be avoided if you have liver issues. If your kidney function is fine, ibuprofen should be safe.

  42. Avatar for Cathy A.Cathy A. says

    Having read your very intelligently written article, I am not clear as to how a zirconia implant is able to osseointegrate since its one-piece design allows it to protrude above the gum line. For example, when replacing a molar, wouldn’t chewing disturb the zirconia implant, making it unstable and thus prevent osseointegration? Or are zirconia implants not used in the replacement of molars? Thanks.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Cathy,

      This is a very good and smart question! Implants do not always need to be left under the gums to heal. They only need to be left to heal under the gums if they do not have primary stability during the placement. We have a special way of measuring this at the time of surgery. About 80% of implants have primary stability but the other implants would need to be left undisturbed for a few months to heal under the gums. The one-piece design doesn’t allow for this decision to be made during surgery.

      -Dr. Stanley

    • Avatar for Cathy A.Cathy A. says

      Dr. Stanley,

      Thank you for your reply. You wrote that 80% of implants have primary stability but that other implants would need to be left undisturbed for a few months to heal under the gums. What would happen in the case of a zirconia implant that did not have primary stability? It seems that its one-piece design would not allow it to heal under the gums.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      You are exactly right Cathy! This is one of the biggest problems with zirconia-based implants. If we don’t have primary stability and we leave them exposed in the mouth to receive forces from chewing and speaking, they would be more likely to fail.
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

  43. Avatar for ChrisChris says

    I need to have a #7 tooth replaced and Im trying to figure out the best option. The tooth had a root canal and a crown on it and unfortunately I bit into a piece of hard chocolate and the tooth fracture horizontally across the tooth. My dentist has removed the part of the tooth distal to the fracture and I am using a flipper until I decide how to proceed. Do you know how long one can wait before removing and replacing the tooth? Just wondering how much time I have to get this done or if it should be done immediately.
    I have an existing titanium implant done 12 years ago on a molar and I have always wondered if it was connected to my developing chemical sensitivity. I guess I will never be sure unless I have the implant removed. The main thing is that I don’t want to make it worse. I am trying to decide between the titanium and zirconia and was leaning towards zir because of my sensitivities ; however, I have heard that the zirconia fractures easier and I’m not sure of the longevity on them. Do you know what the fracture rate is on zirconia implants in comparison to titanium and how long zirconia implants last? I also grind my teeth a bit and wonder if a zirconia implant would be more at risk of fracture because of this.

    Just to be safe, I had the Clifford test done and it shows that I would be okay with the Nobel Biocare titanium implant my surgeon would use; however, I have heard that the Clifford test does not take into consideration SLOW/Type 4 allergic reactions to metals whereas the MELISA does. . Do you know which test would be most appropriate for someone like me that has chemical sensitivities to determine titanium allergies? If you had a client with chemical sensitivities would you steer them away from titanium? I noticed with the Nobel Biocare titanium that either the implant or abutment had aluminum oxide in it. I have always heard that aluminum is quite dangerous and it has been associated with Alzheimer’s disease. I was wondering if you have any opinion on aluminum oxide being used in dental implant materials. Finally, do you know any experts in NC or the surrounding states that provide zirconia implants that one could get a consult from ?
    Thank you for your input.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Chris,
      I’m sorry to hear about your broken tooth. If the tooth has a root canal and isn’t infected, you could possibly leave it for a few months without any problems. I agree with you that Zirconia does fracture easier as it has less flexure to the material. Zirconia implants could last just as long as titanium implants but it depends on many factors that are difficult to measure such as biting force, food that you eat, and the surgery and restorative material. If you grind your teeth as well, in my opinion, the Zr implant is at a higher risk for fracture. I would also recommend that you get the MELISA test to determine if you have a true sensitivity to Titanium. I’m sorry but I do not know any experts in NC. I wish you all the best with your situation.
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

  44. Avatar for BonnieBonnie says

    I am skeptical getting implants, but alternative dentists removed all molars upper and lower on the right side. I am extremely allergic to metals. I had two crowns put it and metal was showing on the gum edge and It wasn’t long before I was having a severe reaction and had to have them taken off and replaced with ceramic. I have hashimotos and other concerns. what allergy testing is the most accurate?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Bonnie,

      Since you have had previous allergic reactions to metals, I would highly recommend getting a MELISA test before any implants are placed. You probably haven’t had any titanium in your mouth since you previously only had crowns so we would have to see what the MELISA test comes back with. This would be my best recommendation for you before continuing with treatment.
      All the best,
      Dr. Stanley

  45. Avatar for BruceBruce says

    Dr. Matt,

    I heard of a newer brand of Zirconium implants called Ceraroot……..which is supposed to be a great improvement over other zirconium implants………… do you have any experience with this brand?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Bruce,

      Thanks for the comment. Yes, Ceraroot is a well known Zirconia implant although it still lacks in some aspects based on the one-piece design meaning that cementable implant crowns are only available and two-stage surgery is not an option. In certain cases, these Zirconia implants can work fine but sometimes it is difficult to predict if we can get primary stability when placing the implant.
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

  46. Avatar for Akshay A DAkshay A D says

    I have lost 2 back teeth on both upper jaws….
    My dentist put two fixed permanent bridges on both sides….He done root canal to the adjacent teeth and put fixed bridge on both sides….I feel relax….But suddenly heard about that bone loss can be occur on missing regions and leades to loss of adjacent teeths….Then i am really scared….I am 22 now…. i want to done a implants on both sides….But I am really confused that its make any consequences in future like oral cancer,Gum problems,etc…..My dentist said that Titanium cant make oral cancer….Its strong,Biotype,etc….But Some fears left in my mind….I dont know how to overcome my fear…..Sir please help me….Whats ur opinion in my case….God bless u….

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Akshay,

      Thanks for your comment. You are correct that areas where teeth are missing and no implants are placed can lose bone over time. Your dentist is correct in that Titanium doesn’t lead to oral cancer. I am not aware of any studies or case reports stating this. As stated in this blog, titanium is very bioinert and has been used for half a century with very little problems based on the reaction in the body. To overcome your fears I would trust the millions of dental implants that have been placed with no problems. However, if you are still uneasy about it, you can opt for the Zirconia version but understand the drawbacks of the implant designs. Good luck with your situation!
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

  47. Avatar for JaneJane says

    Due to my dentist’s substandard care, I ended up needing root canal on my front teeth #8&9. He prepped my teeth for 3/4 but cut too much away and exposed the nerves; I only had stain on one tooth to begin with but he recommended crowns. I had my root canals done but one might fail because I am having pain still even after 3wks later. My endodontist prescribed antibiotic and advised to wait it out. I may need implant if the tooth is fractured. I’m over stressed and depressed; I don’t want to lose my tooth. I may be allergic to titanium. How would I find out if I’m really allergic to it; do I go see my doctor for the test? If allergy isn’t a concern, which would you recommend titanium or zirconia? I read that zr is aesthetically pleasing since it’s tooth color, is it true? If you had to get implants, what would you get? Thanks

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Dear Jane,

      I am sorry to hear about your situation. Its hard to be certain if you are allergic for certain, but we have an article exactly on that topic. Check it out HERE. In summary, there are a couple tests and it seems the MELISSA test is the most accurate to determine your reactivity to titanium. In general, I recommend titanium for a number of reasons, however, if you have a high fear of allergy or known issues with metals, then I think zirconia would be a good compromise. The color is not a consideration when the implant is placed correctly and the part that sticks out of the gums can easily be made out of zirconia. When we talk about the implant, we usually mean the part that goes into the gums and bone, but with zirconia implants its often all one piece so it gets confusing. Theres a lot of considerations, but I myself would get titanium and I do not have any known allergy or any fear of metal reactivity. However, please remember we are all different and I think its important to follow your gut feeling. The downside to zirconia implants is the lack of long-term proven track-record and limitations in the implant restorative process. Best, Matt Nejad

  48. Avatar for StephSteph says

    Hi…I had to have the very last molar (on the bottom of the right side) removed after a root canal failed and the remaining tooth was cracked all the way through. Two questions: Do you have to have an implant put in if it is the very back tooth (I’m not sure of the long term ramifications if I do nothing)? If I have to do something, I would opt for the zirconia implant due to already having an autoimmune issue (thyroid). Would a zirconia implant be ok in that location? I already wear a night guard (covering the top teeth) every night due to clenching. Any information you could provide would be greatly appreciated!

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Dear Steph,

      I’m sorry about your molar complication. Let me answer your questions. 1) the last tooth in the mouth is usually not critical. One of my favorite implant textbooks agrees that it is the least important tooth in the mouth to replace and often times the complications are higher so it may not be worth doing at all. The opposing tooth may drift down if it is un-opposed but your nightguard may help prevent that as you mentioned. 2) Reportedly it is ok, but if you truly understand the nature of zirconia, it is an extremely brittle material. Such a brittle material doesn’t make sense for such a high load area as your first choice unless you are completely against titanium or have a known allergy. I personally would prefer to avoid an implant on the second molar position but this also depends on other factors like your other teeth condition, clenching/grinding, bone level, bone density, number of restorations, occlusion, and prognosis of remaining teeth to name a few. – Best, Matt Nejad

  49. Avatar for ElenaElena says

    I have had allergy to metals all my life. I can’t wear anything, but 14K gold. Earrings, necklaces, glasses, rings, buttons, watches cause contact dermatitis with skin itching and redness. Would I be at higher risk for allergic reaction to implants? Would an allergy test to titanium prior to implants be recommended in my case?

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Elena,

      If it were me, I would say its best to go ahead and test you prior to having an implant. I think you would be at higher risk given what you have mentioned. -Best, Matt Nejad

  50. Avatar for AliceAlice says

    After years of dealing with patchwork dental work to keep up with damage and wear and tear primarily associated with a very bad bite I am undergoing some restoration work of all jaw teeth. (A lot for a dental phobic person) I have had 2 new crowns are 8 restored and recrowned. Unfortunately, the restoration process revealed 2 teeth that could not be saved and I had already lost 2. So the next phase is some implants. Which is a bit scary. I am very concerned about the risks tied to the titanium and the alloys included. (this is already a big hit to the budget, I don’t want to add additional costs having the undo anything that goes wrong!) Some years ago I was told to stop having tetnanus vaccines due to a reaction to a shot. I was told it was a reaction to the aluminum in the vaccine. I have had no other reactions to any metals. I have been told this is not an issue to be concerned about and would like your opinion. Thank you, your site is very useful. (Dentist uses BioHorizions)

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Alice,

      This is very specific. There is no direct correlation between what you said about the tetanus vaccines and titanium implants. A vast majority of people that get titanium implants are completely fine with no reported symptoms, however, if you are uneasy or uncertain, why not get the MELISSA test and then decide? Try to remember that no matter what, there is no 100% guarantee that there will not be complications but if it’s a big concern, this may help you make a more informed decision. Besides that, there is no way I can be sure it is not an issue, but like I mentioned earlier, I have never heard of a direct correlation and it would not usually be something of concern to me. -Best, Matt Nejad

  51. Avatar for ChrisChris says

    While my prosthodontist was hoping to provide a new crown for a decayed root canal tooth (#31), the decay was too extensive and now requires the tooth to be removed. My options are to have the tooth removed and let it heal up ( I may not miss it), or install an implant. I am a holistically healthy 67 year-old and have no wisdom teeth. I’ve been researching the implant options (zirconia vs titanium). I’m also concerned about any long term reactions my body may have to any implants. In your experience, what should I consider when making the decision for this tooth (#31).
    ~Thank you.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Chris,

      Thanks for the comment. I’m sorry to hear you are losing a tooth. I would evaluate if you have ever had any issues with metal either with jewelry or anything else in your life. If you haven’t, there is very little chance that a titanium implant will cause any problems. Like I have mentioned before, after 50 years of implant dentistry, the problems that are usually happening are not related to the material but more of the technique and experience of the clinician. I always ultimately leave the decision up to the patient because it is their mouth. I hope this helps and good luck with your tooth!
      -Dr. Kyle Stanley

  52. Avatar for LaraLara says

    I need to get a canine extracted due to tooth resorption in that tooth. I am considering expanding my family as well so the toxic qualities of the materials is especially important to me at this time. Is there any research that shows whether zirconia implants are less toxic than titanium ones? For example, that measures how much aluminum or other ingredients are in the blood before and after implant? Also what is your opinion on whether it’s best to do the implant on the same day as extraction? Thanks in advance.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Lara,

      I’m sorry to hear that you must have a canine extracted and congrats on wanting to expand your family. My wife and I just had a child this year.

      There are no current studies showing the difference in metal ion release from zirconia vs. titanium implants. There is only one study on metal ion release where blood levels of titanium, aluminum, and vanadium were measured preoperatively and at intervals over a 3-year period for 52 patients (17 men, 35 women), each of whom had three lower jaw titanium dental implants. The results showed that there was no evidence of change from preoperative to long-term values for the three metals measured in the study. These findings are reassuring, but do not rule out local or remote accumulation of released ions, which was not measured in this study.

      This means that IF there were any metal ions released, it was at a low enough threshold where it was not detectable in the blood. I hope this helps and thank you for your comment.
      -Dr. Kyle Stanley

  53. Avatar for WalterWalter says

    AGE: 22
    *Had an implant removed by cutting the bone. (1st molar, down, left)
    *The dentist put synthetic graft but only till halfway.( not up to the brim). Half of the bone is lost.
    * the earlier implant was 3.5 × 13 mm, and now the dentist says We are gonna put a bigger implant of about 4.5 mm so it won’t matter.
    1) Should I go forward with the implant as I can not afford a second implant failure.[ earlier was taken out because it was a substandard company so the screw threads had worn out and screw kept getting loose)
    2) If yes, Nobel Replace ? Or Nobel active ? Or straumann ?
    3) Internal external hex ? Give me the best and an exact implant name .
    Thank you.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Walter,

      I’m sorry to hear that you had an implant failure. Although implants are very successful, everyone still has failures. I would recommend any conical connection Nobel Biocare implant (NobelActive, Nobel Replace Conical Connection, Nobel Parallel). All of these implants are internal hex and are at the top of the market. If you have a good implant company, the company will guarantee the implant. You may need some more bone grafting procedures to get the bone ready to receive a larger implant and possibly a tissue graft for long term stability. Good luck in your implant journey!
      -Dr. Kyle Stanley

  54. Avatar for Jason BagwellJason Bagwell says

    Dr. Stanley and Dr. Nejad,

    I have an extreme mandibular angle and TMJ in my jaw. Mainly left side. My bite is very askew. ( off ) Reading the comments here has lead me to believe that tooth replacement will not work for me unless I have my jaw re structured first. I have advanced periodontis as well and a loosening front upper incisor as well as a mouth full of restorations due to grinding my teeth in my sleep for years. ( I didn’t get a bite guard until 2 years ago ) The fact that I was negligent of my teeth in my youth has not helped either… I am 41 now. I am hopeless and very scared to wind up a toothless old man before I am 45. I pray that you guys can give me some hope. My dentist is doing all she can with me.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Jason,

      it is impossible to understand the true extent of your current situation with just words. However, I can say that there are always some good options for whatever your goal is. Sometimes it becomes impossible to replace missing teeth with implants because of the condition of the surrounding bone from periodontal disease and the high chance of failure or complication. In these cases, sometimes treatment becomes a little more aggressive like removing adjacent teeth and bone grafting.

      My advice and wish for you is to find a long term plan that suits your goals. First, identify what is the most important goal of treatment for you. Sometimes a goal such as keeping every single tooth may interfere with the goal of having the most cosmetic outcome, so it helps to know what is the absolute priority. Once you know your priority, it will really help both you and your dentist make the best treatment plan. We restore patients in a similar position as you frequently and the outcomes are life-changing. Please stay positive and consider additional opinions if you think something doesn’t make sense. Wishing you all the best -Matt Nejad DDS

  55. Avatar for ChadChad says

    Dr. Nejad
    I have already had all of my teeth extracted. I have titanium screws that are healing with the temporary implants/arches. I have received a quote that is respectable for the lab to create individual Ziroconian teeth that are set one by one, on both arches. I would be the first person to receive this type of procedure through my current dentist so their information is not exactly thorough. If cost is not a factor in the decision, could you shed some light on the pros and cons specifically with full arches of individually set Zirconian teeth? I am concerned about tooth density, fracture rate and the propensity for that to occur down the line with tightening or unexpected contact. The lab is wiling to give me a 5 year warranty on any replacement procedures but I obviously am worried about longevity, aesthetics and functionality.
    thank you

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hi Chad,

      It sounds like you already have your implants placed and everything went well. The next step is getting the final teeth. There are many ways to restore teeth over implants with multiple choices of materials. You can have individual implants with individual teeth, a set of multiple bridges, or a full horse shoe of teeth. On most full arch cases, we go with the horse shoe approach for strength, ease of the patient, and long term stability. It is hard to tell what you mean by individual Zirconia teeth. This could be a full horse shoe or bar with the teeth cemented onto the bar or this could mean individual implants with individual teeth. The second option would require plenty of implants that aren’t necessary. Full contour Zirconia crowns are very difficult to break and I think that a 5-year guarantee is pretty good from the lab. No implant treatment is without complications in the long term regardless of material. The complications that could happen would mostly be due to design, the expertise of the clinician and laboratory technician, and above all a nice stable occlusion (bite). If the bite is off, no material will last, but if the bite is great then even a softer material can have good longevity.

      For full arch cases that patients chose to have a fixed option (it doesn’t come out of the mouth), we usually prefer to NOT have individual teeth due to staining, plaque accumulation which can form a bad smell on the prosthesis, and added junctions of materials can ultimately cause more problems. Another note is that you never really want to be the first patient to get a certain treatment from a doctor as they do not have the expertise that each material and design can offer. I hope that this helps you in your quest for a beautiful smile. Thank you for your question!
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

  56. Avatar for Lina HaranLina Haran says

    Hi doctor,

    I’m allergic to all metals; I’m missing a canine; would it possible for me to get zirconia?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Lina, yes it most likely is possible for you to get a zirconia implant but it really depends on your individual situation to see if you are a candidate for a Zr implant. The negative aspect would be that it is in the esthetic zone and zirconia implants have some drawbacks and options for the doctor. Good luck!
      Dr. Stanley

  57. Avatar for Luba MayoLuba Mayo says

    Dr. Nejad,
    I have been advised to extract tooth #5 due to continued bone loss in that tooth.
    I was recently treated for an abscess that developed in that tooth and am concerned about my upcoming extraction to prepare for the zirconia implant. I have thyroid problems and can’t take a chance with the titanium implants.
    Problems with that tooth began when I needed a root canal(2008), and during the procedure a piece of the appliance broke off and remained in the area, unbeknown to me. The endodontist and the dentist did not advise me of it.
    Since it was my first crown I did not know a post should have been put in to hold the crown. Three years later I went to another dentist who educated me about the lack of a post on tooth #5 and about the metal as seen in an x-ray that he took. Last August I went for a third crown even though the dentist thought it was time to remove the tooth because bone loss had already set in. I had hoped to prolong the implant since I don’t like the option of a bridge.
    Can you tell me if the location of #5 tooth makes a zirconia implant more vulnerable to a fracture or crack?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says


      I’m sorry to hear about your situation. It is always difficult emotionally to lose a tooth. First of all, a post IS NOT needed in modern dentistry. We currently don’t use any posts in our practice because we have done the research to prove that it is not needed. Dr. Nejad may chime in on this as well.

      Having an implant at the #5 is a good place for an implant. The forces aren’t as high as the molars and it isn’t an esthetic issue in the front of the mouth. I would probably stay away from immediate zirconia implants however, due to their design. You should have the tooth removed and a graft place. Then come back 6 months later to place the implant. Without seeing you, it is difficult to give any more advice on your situation but I hope that this can help you in your journey. All the best to you!
      -Dr. Kyle Stanley

  58. Avatar for KathrineKathrine says

    At age 65, I am in need of a complete upper teeth replacement. Treatment plan outlined to me consists of removal of [3] teeth, bone grafting for [3] teeth, [4] implants and 7-10 crowns/teeth (or much dreaded and least preferred dentures). I have come across your article regarding zirconia and would like to know whether zirconia implants are suitable for my procedure. Also, what cost should I expect for such procedure?

    Thank you and regards, Kathrine

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Kathrine,

      I’m sorry to hear that you are losing some teeth. This can be difficult to deal with.

      Unfortunately, zirconia implants are not a good idea to use in your situation because they are not meant for full arch situations for many reasons (one-piece design mainly). It sounds like you are having the All-on-4 treatment concept which is one that I teach often. It is a great way for patients to leave in one day with temporary teeth in their mouth when they have a failing dentition. The price of this treatment can vary by region, expertise, and implant components but you should expect to pay $35-50,000 per arch. Please make sure you are being treated by an implant expert that has a team that understands both the surgical and restorative or esthetic aspect of the treatment. When done correctly, this can be a life changing treatment but if done improperly, these cases can be a disaster. Good luck in your treatment and we wish you all the best.
      -Dr. Kyle Stanley

  59. Avatar for VedantVedant says

    Thank you for your prompt reply Sir.
    The implant screw kept getting loose after every three months, after the crown had been put.

    I read that biohorizons implant(alloy) has almost double the strength than commercially pure Nobel biocare.
    The only thing that troubles me is the auto immune skin disease which kept recurring once in every three months, and I had to use a topical steroid ointment to clear it !
    It has never recurred since the old equinox uniti implant has been removed.
    I can not continue using the topical corticosteroid so frequently if god forbid the disease starts recurring after I get an implant done.( will Nobel Biocare be safer ?)

    I also have an option of getting a bridge treatment, but given my age(20) what do you recommend. ?
    Thank you.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says


      It sounds to me like the screw was becoming loose and this was causing a local reaction to the gums which is common when screws become loose. The cause of the screw loosening can be multifactorial based on implant design, the bite on the crown, torquing of the screw, etc so it is difficult to determine why this was the case without seeing anything. I don’t think you had an autoimmune disease because I think it was due to the screw loosening and localized inflammation. I have seen this on other screw loosening cases. I would advise against a bridge for your because you are so young. You should see a well respected dental implant expert that understands both the surgical and prosthetic phase of implant dentistry. I would recommend someone who lectures and is a university professor if possible. Also, most large implant companies use the same type of titanium in their implants. The only thing that varies is the design and surface treatment which doesn’t affect strength. I hope this helps you. Good luck!
      Dr. Stanley

  60. Avatar for VedantVedant says

    Hello Doctor,
    I have a missing left first molar(36),
    I have 3 options:
    #Nobel biocare: CP Titanium implant with Ti unite surface.
    #Biohorizons laser lock implant which is a titanium grade 23 alloy (ELI)
    #& Straumann Pure zirconia implant.
    I had an equinox uniti implant removed coz the abutment screw kept getting loose and moreover I had a recurring auto immune skin disorder, which has stopped recurring since it has been removed.
    I am still in favour of a titanium implant since I am 20 yrs old.

    So should I use a grade 23 alloy (ELI)(*contains vanadium , Aluminium ..etc but is stronger than CP Ti) or CP Ti, so as to not initiate the recurrence of auto immune disorder.(*I don’t know if the equinox uniti implant is CP Ti or alloy, and I suspect it is the cause , I have no metal allergy)

    Thank you.

    • Avatar for adminadmin says

      Hello Vedant,

      I’m sorry to hear that you had a failing implant. Although this is rare, it does happen in some cases. When did the implant fail? Before it had a crown on it or after? If after, how long after?

      I don’t think you can go wrong with any of the above companies Nobel Biocare, Biohorizons, and Straumann. Nobel Biocare and Straumann are the top two companies in the world and have been around the longest. The Straumann Zr implant is the only ceramic implant from a highly regarded implant system, however, this implant hasn’t been around very long and still has most of the negative factors that Zr implants usually have (only cementable, must adjust it in the mouth, etc.). Since you stated that you do not have a metal allergy, I would still go with the Nobel Biocare Tiunite surface as I have a lot of experience with this surface but like I said before, I don’t think you can go wrong with any of the implants mentioned above. Good luck in your treatment!

  61. Avatar for Allen SingerAllen Singer says

    I know for sure that I am allergic to Nickel. My glasses were gold plated, with nickel underneath, and I felt the burn and saw the blisters where the plating wore off. I need a a full upper and lower, I am 70 years old. Do you still recommend Titanium for me?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Allen,

      I think the next step would be to get tested to see if you show any actual allergy to titanium. As we said in the blogs, the titanium implants have a much longer track record and are really ideal for full arch treatment like you need. If the tests were to come back negative, I would go ahead with the treatment with titanium. However, if the test showed titanium allergy, we would have to look at other options.

  62. Avatar for albeealbee says

    DR, I have a question, I don’t understand what you said “Zirconia implant crowns can generally only be cemented”, can you explain why we can’t make screw zirconia crown clear? Very appreciate?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello Albee, and thank you for your question. There are two types of implant crowns: cement retained and screw-retained. They both have their advantages but we prefer screw-retained due to recent studies showing how bad cement can be around dental implants. With the one-piece Zr implants, they only leave the option of having cement retained implant crowns. I hope this helps. Thanks!

  63. Avatar for NickNick says

    Dr. Nejad,

    I’ve contacted you earlier regarding the titanium vs zirconium implant discussion. Thanks for your quick response. I’ve since heard about the Maryland bridge option. My two front teeth are missing and I’m trying to find an another option to implants or standard bridge. I’ve discussed the Maryland bridge with my dentist and he said he could do this but said this is not a long term or permanent fix or may not be as aesthetically desirable for front teeth. As I have stated earlier on this forum, I am hesitant to do the more invasive implant procedure because of possible health issues down the road. I’m 74 years young in fairly good health so I don’t know how much concern I should have about the “long term”. The “aesthetically desirable” effect is of course concerning. What is your experience with this procedure and how often do you perform this procedure in your practice. Thanks for your service to this forum.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Nick,

      I completely disagree with Maryland bridge not being an esthetic option. Which teeth are you missing? If you are replacing your lateral incisors, then the Maryland bridge has a good prognosis. Some of these restorations have over 20 years success. The worst thing that would happen is that it debonds or fractures and that is a pretty harmless failure but even then if it is done properly, there is a good chance it will last. You will not want to bite directly on it, and you probably want to avoid ripping into anything like apples, hard bread, etc. That type of force is very damaging to Maryland bridges. Also, depending on how your bite is, you might not be a good candidate but it is rare for that to be the case. I do this procedure 5-10 times per year. At age 74, I think it is a great option. Earlier in life, we use these for people who want implants but are not finished with their development yet. We also use Maryland bridges for patients (like yourself) who are uncomfortable with the idea of implants. It is a very safe and effective treatment, just functionally you need to be careful and minimize forces on that front teeth if you have Maryland bridge/s. I do agree that an Implant is the most ideal solution, but I just do not agree that Maryland bridges are not aesthetically desirable. That is completely dependent on the provider. patient, lab combination.

      My pleasure.

      Matt Nejad

    • Avatar for NickNick says

      Thanks for your quick response Dr. Nejad. I actually made a copy of your response to take to my dentist when I go for my next visit. I will have him do the Maryland bridge based on your recommendation. I really appreciate your service.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Nick,

      I just wanted to mention that not all dentists are comfortable with or experienced in doing maryland bridges. My recommendation would not be to ask your dentist to do something they are uncomfortable with or do not believe will work well. Chances are, it won’t work out well if that is their mentality going into it. Discuss it with him and if he is really not comfortable with it, it is your decision what would be best. You can consider getting a second opinion. As dentists, we do not all do 100% the same thing and there is a variety of experiences and skills among different dentists. Keep in mind, there are a couple factors I mentioned that might not make you a good candidate but I have no way of assessing that. Best- Matt Nejad

  64. Avatar for Cheryl SiegelCheryl Siegel says

    Hi I’ve read titanium impacts can corrode over time causing bacteria to grow up inside the gum and bone and that having the 2 separate pieces screwed together will give more place for bacteria. Zirconia does not have these issues.
    Would if I put in the zirconia implant without a crown (because it is an unseen back top molar) would that keep my bone intact and also then have no concern with fracture to the implant? Hoping this is a great idea.cheryl

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Titanium implants can corrode, but it is not common. The titanium oxide layer prevents this process, however certain conditions can result in the exposure of the implant surface and corrosion. As I have always said, there are pros and cons to each material/implant system and there is no 100% perfect combination. Overall, titanium implants, with conical connections seem to have the best balance of success, esthetics/cosmetics, minimal complications, tolerability and so on. When you focus on only 1 of these factors such as tolerability, you often sacrifice in other areas. The concept of 1 piece implant is ideal in some ways: there are less parts, less chance of bacterial accumulation in the junction areas, strength, no chance screw loosening, stripping, fracture, etc. However, in other ways, 1 piece prohibits the most ideal final restoration (screw retained), and it is not very friendly for multiple unit scenarios. With a 1 piece implant, the final crown must be cemented. My preference is for a screw-retained crown because it is retrievable, serviceable, and prevents any cement from causing periodontal complications around the implant. There are other reasons as well but it is really complicated to explain unless you are really familiar with every aspect of implant dentistry, but please just trust me that a 1 piece implant system is not ideal in everyway. I would tend to prefer 2 piece implants overall if you consider everything.

      Now to address your question about placing the implant without a crown. This would be pretty useless. An implant without a crown would not be functional. If you placed a 1 piece implant, you would not be able to chew on the implant without a crown because it would be impossible to control the occlusion (bite) on the implant without having the contours of a crown to help. If you did have bite on the implant, it would likely fail from fracture or bone loss because you could not control the bite forces well. It would also accumulate food and have hygenic concerns. Additionally, there are studies that show placing an implant but having no bite force on it is not sufficient to maintain the bone levels as you mentioned. Bone needs pressure/stress on it to have the natural bone remodeling process occurring and this is what maintains the bone levels. Therefore, I would not say this is a great idea.

      Matt Nejad

  65. Avatar for MariMari says

    Hello Dr Nejad,

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and for the respectful and helpful manner of your advice.

    In my lower jaw, my adult tooth 26 never grew (I had all my milk teeth but this one was fused to my canine. When I lost these, only the permanent canine grew). My teeth were all straight but due to a dentist insisting to my parents that I would get over crowding in my teen years, pulled 2 upper molars when I was 15 and I had braces. I am not exaggerating, when my braces came off he asked me to ‘bite’ to see how it was, but I couldn’t find a comfortable position to close my mouth. I never got a retainer either. Anyway, my smile ‘looked’ great.

    Two decades later I discover that my molars have worn away down to the dentin because of this malocclusion (and my lower jaw was pulled back) and that pain I have had since I was 18 is a TMJ disorder probably caused by the orthodontic treatment I received.

    I am now one year into correcting my lower jaw position with spilt and braces. However, now that I am in the middle of my treatment, my orthodontist suggests I open the space where the tooth should have been and get a bridge. I really hoped not to intervene with my teeth apart from trying to find the best position possible with what I have got. I am worried about cleaning, if I have problems if I have a bridge and most of all that it would involve filing the two neighbouring teeth. I am also not keen on an implant but idea felt more ‘comfortable’ in the long run and, until I read your advice, I would have gone for zirconium implants . I have no other implants/crowns (just one white filling). At the end of the day, I would prefer not to interfere with my other teeth (the ones that would be on either side of the bridge). In the future I hope we could be regenerating teeth (I am in my forties now). Then I would not hesitate have made a space for it! I would really like to here your thoughts on my case.

    Thank you. Mari

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Mari,

      Sorry for you circumstances and I wish for the best outcome for all the energy and effort you have invested in your oral health. I am very hopeful you will have a good outcome. Even though you have given me all the specifics of your case, I have never seen you in person to get more specific but I will tell you my general thought process for missing tooth # 26 (lower right lateral incisor). The best solution, space and bone (width, volume, quality) permitting, is an implant. You have already explored this option. Titanium is my preference, zirconia is not a bad option either, especially for this tooth which does not have the most amount of stress or pressure on it. I would avoid a traditional bridge very adamantly for several reasons including the inconvenience of cleanability, the preparation and possible damage to the adjacent teeth, etc. Fortunately, there are another couple options. One is called a maryland bridge (adhesively retained bridge) and this would be a very good treatment option for this #26, however, the details of your occlusion are important to evaluate this option. Assuming occlusion does not contraindicate this option, I have had very good results with no failures for these types of restorations. With the proper technique, I expect them to survive for 10-20 years before needing replacement. If they are not done properly, the usually have a lower survival rate but the major benefit regardless is that no drilling on your adjacent teeth is necessary so it is a very conservative option. The last and final option I can think of is a removable device. I don’t think it is a great option for this tooth because it is a lot of material to go in your mouth to replace one missing tooth.

      To recap, I would personally explore the options of Implant or Maryland Bridge. Have a great weekend.

      Matt Nejad

  66. Avatar for geraldgerald says

    What about the new 2 piece Zirconium implants that alow for screw retained crowns.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Gerald- There are no 2 piece zirconium implants currently on the market for screw retained crowns. If you know of one, please let me know. I believe these will be available in the near future and I am very excited for this. At this point, the 2-piece systems involve cementing the abutment to the implant which is not very desirable for a few reasons.- Best, Matt Nejad

  67. Avatar for KathyKathy says

    Hi Dr. Nejad,

    Your honest explanation of the trade-offs is very helpful. I am planning ahead for what to do if I lose one of my front teeth because I have a history of allergic reactions to dental applications. 24 years ago I had mercury amalgam fillings removed after a severe and extended reaction, and 18 months ago I had a titanium implant removed after three weeks of debilitating reaction. Both times my symptoms completely abated once the substance was gone from my mouth — looks like I’m one of the unusually allergic few. Your thoughts would be appreciated on whether I’d be a candidate for a zirconia implant.


    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Kathy,

      I think there is enough information to say you should avoid any more titanium implants. If I had the same symptoms you describe, I would go with an alternative approach. You could consider zirconia implant, adhesive maryland bridge, traditional bridge, or a removable appliance. I wish you the best. Let me know how it goes. Make sure you have a really good surgeon. Sometimes failures are not just due to your body reaction but the planning, placement technique, etc.

      Matt Nejad

  68. Avatar for NickNick says

    Hi Dr. Nejad,

    I am in need of getting both my front teeth (7&8 I think?) replaced with implants. The teeth have been removed but I have stalled getting the implants because I too am one of those health nut types and I am a bit nervous with having a foreign metal implanted into my body, especially in my face/head. I was told by my general dentist, not the implant doctor, that he wouldn’t recommend zirconia implants for front teeth because as you have stated, they are not as strong as the titanium especially for replacement of front teeth. Would you agree??? I just accidentally came across your site and I am impressed by your frankness and fairness. Thanks for your public service.

    • Avatar for adminadmin says

      Hey Nick,

      I understand your concern. Zirconia is more brittle and therefore more likely to fracture but this risk may ultimately be acceptable. The other drawback is the restorative options are limited. With all this said, I would get a Zirconia implant if the thought of titanium is something that really concerns you or makes you nervous. I would get titanium myself, but in my opinion, if you are reluctant/hesitant to get something, then you are more likely to have problems with it and regret it.

      Matt Nejad

  69. Avatar for Larry DruryLarry Drury says

    The question about 2 metals in the mouth was unanswered. I have read that titanium can react electrically with metals in adjacent teeth. What say you?


    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Larry,

      I say that is definitely a possibility. Clinical significance of this is rarely an issue (I have never personally seen any issue attributable to this). However, it is a consideration. Here is a great read for you:

      Matt Nejad

  70. Avatar for florentina gflorentina g says

    Hi Dr Matt
    I am a /hygienist working in boil office. Many patients asking us about Zr implants . I know Melisa test is helpful for Ti, Au and Ni. They rather have it vs Ti for “metal” reasons. Since its still an “foreign object” in the body, do you know if affects meridian path in the body?

    • Avatar for adminadmin says

      Hi Florentina,

      I consider myself holistic to a reasonable extent but not to an extreme. I can confidently say there is very little research to support most of these claims and some of the science that is being used is looking at Titanium him replacements and which is not comparable to a dental implant just due to the sheer volume of material we are talking about and also the location it is implanted. Variables matter a lot in scientific study. The only perfect solution is to take care of teeth and avoid losing them in the first place. From there, I think that titanium or zirconia are both acceptable. Best- Matt.

  71. Avatar for Carol W.Carol W. says

    Hi Doctor Nejad,

    I am going to do one implant and got two options-titanium and zirconia. Some doctors said that titanium is the best and they have a long history of high success rate, while other doctors said for sure zirconia is the best due to it is non-metal nature. But the price for zirconia is basically three times more than the titanium…I would like to get your opinion on whether it makes sense to pay that much for zirconia, if titanium works so well?

    Thank you in advance!

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Carol,
      I’m surprised to hear the price is 3 times different. It honestly should be pretty similar. Good implant components for titanium are expensive. Perhaps there is a price difference if you are comparing cheaper implant components or one of the discount implant centers but I would urge you to stay away from those in general and do your research. Most the providers I know only charge the cost difference of the components which is not 3x (more like 20%-40% more). With that said, I personally would get Titanium for myself and my family. I firmly believe that this is the best, most stable, and most proven option. However, I believe there are some patients that truly do benefit from Zirconia and I evaluate each patient on a case by case basis. Do you have any reason to believe Titanium implants would be an issue for you?

  72. Avatar for SJSJ says

    I’ve read that it is not good to mix two metals. What Is your opinion on that. Thanks

  73. Avatar for AntonioAntonio says

    Hello Dr.
    I am planning to to have an implant next week.
    Is Zirconia abutment better than porcelain abutment?
    I am going to the the Zirconia crown.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hey Antonio- Porcelain is not a common abutment for an implant. The common abutment choices are zirconia and titanium. Each abutment has certain advantages but Zirconia is usually my choice for abutments.

  74. Avatar for amiami says

    Hey .. I decided to choose the zirconia implant because the titanium one is toxic .. but in my country I can’t find any doctor to do the zirconia implants , only titanium ! Can I buy it online and choose a doctor to do the implant!

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Dear Ami- I do not agree about the toxicity, but regardless it is not possible to buy an implant as a patient. There are different sizes and lengths and only a dentist can purchase these. What country are you in? Your other option would be to travel to someone who does a zirconia implant in another country.

  75. Avatar for Mihaela HristodorMihaela Hristodor says
    Make sure you get tested for allergy to Titanium.
    The ”pure” Titanium and ”hypoallergenic free” is a myth…
    I got 5 of them. Seems that I am allergic as my body REJECTED one…so yes REJECTION is not a fairy-tale.
    Also make sure of other allergies you have as I just discovered that the anesthetic used on me (Articaine) has sulfa ingredients and wrote in my intake am allergic to Biseptol (antibiotic containing sulfa), and experienced in last 4 month vaginal hemorrhage and swelling of my legs and bloating and overall sickness.
    I consider myself having a robust health or better said had a robust health. Not so sure now after all about the damage that was done to my body due to all above. Will know more soon as am going to be checked by a physician.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      HI Mihaela. I am sorry for your health conditions and hope you get some answers and recovery as soon as possible.

      Regarding rejection of an implant, that does not indicate allergy. Not all implants successfully integrate, it is a surgery and it does have a low but inevitable failure rate. Many failures are completely unrelated to allergy and patients do not experience any symptoms on other implants. My point is not to discredit any possible allergy, but to inform you of alternative causes for rejection such as infection, delayed healing, less than optimal surgical site, etc.

      Articaine is not contraindicated in patients with sulfa allergies; there is no cross-allergenicity between articaine’s sulphur-bearing thiophene ring and sulfonamides.

      I wish you the best and hope your recovery process goes well.

  76. Avatar for jj says

    personally, would you choose titanium over zirconia for health reasons?

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      I myself, would do titanium. However, I respect that our bodies are similar but different. Some people are more sensitive to materials and procedures than others. For some patients, zirconia is probably the best.

    • Avatar for Onyx W. D. JohnsonOnyx W. D. Johnson says

      Is it possible to have a titanium implant with the crown being Zirconia? I am about to have 8 implants none of which are my incisors.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hey Onyx. That is definitely possible and very common. There are some exceptions and I don’t know the specifics but it is very common to have a titanium implant, a zirconia abutment, and a zirconia crown. Ask your dentist what the plan is! – Dr. Nejad

    • Avatar for Megan SMegan S says

      Think the person may have had reaction to sulfites ( not sulfa). Sulfites are a common preservative in local anesthetics containing vasoconstrictors ((epinephrine). I have this problem and must have anesthetics with no epinephrine!

  77. Avatar for RobertRobert says

    I am going to get 2 implants tomorrow and I am really confused because I suffer from autoimmune disease (rheumatism) and I ´ve read that zirconia implants are hypoallergenic and corrosion resistant so probably less risky for the body and less inflamation risk which is very very important fact for me so I don´t know now.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      I am sorry, it is really impossible to assess and diagnose these things adequately over the internet. What did you end up doing ? How is it going? Let me know.

    • Avatar for Peter chowPeter chow says


      Is there risk of titanium dental implants causing ringing in your ear due to galvanic currents?
      Kind regards
      Peter c.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Peter- Honestly anything is possible but I have not personally encountered it in practice. This is not to say it’s not possible. In working through your symptoms, this would be a last resort because removing an implant would be invasive and there is no guarantee your symptoms would improve. After all other options have been explored, this would be the last resort. All the Best-MN

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Awesome! Thank you!

  78. Avatar for StephanieStephanie says

    I am a general dentist and I appreciate this blog/article. Nicely well written and contains current information based on current research. Thank you.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Our pleasure! Glad you enjoyed it. All the Best- Matt Nejad

  79. Avatar for Louis TeohLouis Teoh says

    Nice blog about Titanium implants

  80. Avatar for Alex YongAlex Yong says

    Important fact that Both titanium and zirconia are very bioinert materials, meaning that they do not cause local inflammation and are not rejected by the body

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      I agree completely Alex

  81. Avatar for JohnJohn says

    Hey Guy, I am planning on getting implants in a few weeks once I finally move to California but im still undecided, one question I’ve had for a while regarding these type of implants is discoloration over time a factor? Like is one more resistant to stains vs the other or do they both maintain their original color over time?

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hey John- discoloration is not a factor. Both are very color stable.

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