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Dr. Matt Nejad

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  1. Avatar for Bad Breath InfoBad Breath Info says

    very in point – your viewers would definitely be smart to follow your advice regarding this.
    Many thanks

  2. Avatar for DrewDrew says

    It’s good to be informed about any side effects of whitening. You will be happier with your decision if it is an informed one. Thanks for posting.

  3. Avatar for Keara LittnerKeara Littner says

    It’s actually really good to know that obsessively bleaching your teeth can cause more damage than good. One of my sisters has been trying to whiten her teeth regularly, and I’ve been curious about drawbacks. I don’t think that she’s to the point where it’ll cause problems, but I’ll have to let her know to ease up a bit. I’m sure the last thing she wants is a major dental procedure because of it.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Glad you found this information useful! Depending on the type and concentration of the whitening method she’s using, it could be safe but its better to look into these things and be sure.

  4. Avatar for Joey ConstanzaJoey Constanza says

    Too much of anything is a bad thing, even with teeth whitening. I would not want to whiten my teeth with an unsafe method. Going to the doctor would probably be my best bet. If anyone is wanting to whiten their teeth, it would be a wise idea to consult their doctor first. Before doing so, are there any questions I could ask my doctor about getting my teeth whitened?

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