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  1. Avatar for TerryTerry says

    I received four titanium implants which all have failed (became loose) and I was tested for titanium allergy, which proved positive, so they have to be removed. The problems is that my dentist and oral surgeon, both of whom acknowledged this failure and the fact that the implants need to come out, and agreed to redo my necessary work free of charge, did so four months ago and I have not heard back from them, even though I’ve called their office multiple times requesting information on when they will do this. I believe they were negligent in the first place for not testing me for metal allergies beforehand and that all patients should be tested first before being put through the pain and time required for these procedures. How long should I be put on hold, so to speak? I am also suffering what I believe to be titanium allergy-caused eczema for the last eight or nine months, along with a few of those other side effects you list above. I don’t wish to sue them because they were so nice during their treatment, but my patience is running out! I’m old, 73, and have multiple chronic diseases, including chronic kidney disease, so maybe they’re hoping I’ll just die and they won’t have to do anything.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Terry – sorry to hear about that. Sensitivity and allergy testing is expensive and 99% of patients don’t want to pay for this though. The cost of treatment is already high and this would contribute to higher costs and the fact is that the vast majority (over 99%) of patients do not have allergy to Titanium. I understand your frustration, but just want to make sure you know that this is far from standard of care and definitely does not constitute negligence. Regarding moving forward with your treatment, I think you need to be firm with them and set some expectations and get some clarity in their intentions. It is more than reasonable to have a plan in place and clarify their position and intent to move forward, so my advice is to be persistent in communicating with them. Wish you all the best – MN.

  2. Avatar for ChristinaChristina says

    Hi, I have upper and lower titanium implants. About 3 weeks after getting them placed I developed muscle twitching. It’s been a year and a half and it’s slowly getting worse. Found out I’m allergic to aluminum via Melisa test and my implants are 4% aluminum. Do you think this is an allergy that should go away after I have them removed next month?

  3. Avatar for DelDel says

    Thank you for the valuable information shared in your blog. My situation is that I have a documented allergy to nickel, confirmed through a patch test for several metals. While my dentist claims that titanium dental implants are nickel-free, I know that they are typically alloys and may contain trace amounts of nickel and other metals as contaminants. I need to replace teeth #18 and #19, and I’m considering whether zirconia implants can be used for molars. Are they strong enough to withstand chewing forces, and what do you recommend in this case?

  4. Avatar for MwMw says

    One week after my dental implant on #8 I developed ace that were white and a rash over my face, neck, and chest. They think it might be the antibiotic. I think it the implant. I’m waiting another week and going to the dermatologist today. Do you think it could be the implant.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Its hard to diagnose on such limited information and sometimes the stress from a procedure is all it takes to initiate an auto-immune response. I couldn’t rule anything out but if it goes away, it is most likely the procedure itself rather than the implant. How did it go with your dermatologist?

  5. Avatar for TatumTatum says

    Hello. I just had had my implant surgery on February 20th, 2024. I received two implants on the bottom (front) for snap on, because my jaw was very thin and soft. On the top I received, I guess 2 ‘regular’ implants and 2 Zygomatic implants. First 2wks I was having sinus issues, put me on another dose of antibiotics. Went back in and still pain in the back and xray confirmed still swelling in sinus so put me on 3rd dose of antibiotics. (I’m not a fan of antibiotics, Never take them) Since then weird things have been happening out of the blue…(I am having a lot of clicking in my jaw) double vision, seeing black spots/streaks,seeing shadows things moving, got a really really bad sore throat for 3 days, severe body pain/ache all over,swelling in hands and feet, severe fatigue, bad bruises all over my legs, now I have kinda like white bumps on the back of my tongue(like strep). I’m not dating anyone and I don’t exactly leave my house but to go to doctors and grocery store. So I’m not around many people to come in contact with anything, that’s what is making me so confused. Before implants my health issues: fibromyalgia, Thyroid issues, migraines, OCD, Anxiety, Anemia, Vit D Def….
    As soon as I saw these bumps….I started to wonder if I was having an allergic reaction. I’ve waited so long to get these done, I really hope that’s not the case. I couldn’t wear regular dentures that’s why i had to get these.
    With all the symptoms, is it possible that is what’s happening? And if so, is there a way to fix the issue or am I just out of luck?
    Thank you for your time.
    Have a great day.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Tatum – I am sorry to hear about the problems you are experiencing. I wish I had the answer for you. In my opinion, anything is possible and if you read a lot of the comments on this blog article you can see that some people have adverse reactions that resolve later, but these symptoms could arise from other health conditions. For instance, mold exposure has many of these symptoms in common. My general advise would be to approach this comprehensively with your physician and explore all possibilities. If you think it is related to your implants, I would recommend looking into MELISA sensitivity testing. Best – MN

  6. Avatar for TerriTerri says

    I had a dental implant (titanium) in late 2011 (#3). It was irritable all the time and eventually failed. It was removed the early part of 2013 and replaced. Again, since that time it has been always irritable. By 2019 I had developed significant bone loss around the implant. In 2019 I developed severe eczema on my upper and lower extremities. I was seen by my dermatologist on numerous occasions and prescribed many topical and oral medications which did not relieve my eczema. After failed conservative treatment my dermatologist prescribed Dupixent which is a very costly monthly injection which did help control the severity of the condition. By 2022/2023 my dentist suggested I have the implant removed because it was loose (bone loss) and the surrounding tissue was inflamed and infected. I had the implant removed (it basically fell out) in March of 2023. Since having the implant removed in 2023 I have not had a breakout or an event of eczema. Based on my research, one of the allergic reactions is eczema.

    I need a hip replacement and my ortho surgeon is telling me that based on the Metal-LTT Analysis Report (Orthopedic Analysis) that I do not have a titanium hypersensitivity (1.3). My nickel was reported as highly reactive (11.1). The pamphlet included in my metal allergy kit reports that metal hypersensitivity reactions can occur months to years after surgery and the symptoms of metal hypersensitivity include eczema, pain, implant loosening, and chronic inflammation. This is what I have experienced for years and was not resolved until after I had the implant removed.
    How to convince my surgeon he needs to take a closer look at my overall picture. I do not want to go undergo a major surgery to eventually end up with complications and metal toxicity. I just need a doctor to listen and come up with alternatives for my hip replacement.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Terri – Sorry to hear about your experience. Try telling him all about this and asking about alternatives. I don’t know much at all about hip replacements. Weight out the pros and cons and see if there is a better option for you given your history. I know it can be frustrating to navigate all this and I wish you the best. I have problems navigating the simplest things sometimes without going into extensive research and I think its important to put in the time and effort to take care of yourself and avoid complications. Its always a good idea to get additional opinions as well and find a provider you are comfortable with and trust. Best – Mn

  7. Avatar for NancyNancy says

    I have had many implants done over the years with no problems. For the last few years I have had preparation by dental surgeons, such as removing good teeth, through the advise of my dentist so that he can make a few more implants and many bridges to attach them to. I don’t know what the bridges are composed to, but now I am having severe pain (such as you would have after a burn) around in the inner part of my mouth and also my tongue. It is very difficult to eat and almost nothing has any taste. I think I have dry mouth but don’t think that condition can cause that much pain. Talked to my doctor about dry mouth but I don’t think dry mouth could that bad of a reaction and what I use for that doesn’t help with the burning in my mouth. Appreciate any advise. Thank you!

  8. Avatar for allisonallison says

    I had implants about 2 months ago and I’m planning on getting them removed. One has been removed and the other 2
    have been covered. I am experiencing itchy wrists and extreme anxiety. I don’t want to suffer for years. I also have Invisaligns, I have been waring for 18 months.

  9. Avatar for BrookeBrooke says

    I had dental implants placed back in Aug 2014 on teeth #7 & #10, I was missing these teeth congenitally, therefore, my dentist decided to make room for implants. I noticed after having them placed, my bones felt weak and I started having random muscle weakness and my skin became more sensitive to everything, I would sometimes become really itchy all the time. It was nothing too unbearable, however, I did feel off about this since I hadn’t had these symptoms before. Fast forward to May 2020, I started getting very bad migraines and was diagnosed with status migraines (intractable migraine) in May 2020 then in April 2021 – each time was able to break the cycle with Prednisone. Now, in April 2022, I also had another episode, however, this time I am stuck in this migraine, nothing has helped (ex. Prednisone, SoluMedrol, DHE, etc..) Also — my migraines do not follow the typical pattern of “one-sided pain” mine are focused right in the middle of my forehead above the bridge of the nose (right above where the implants are..) which is another odd anomaly.

    I know you aren’t a neurologist, but my question is could these **progressing** symptoms be related to any allergy with my implants? I’m thinking more so Nickel than Titanium, since my ears always reacted to cheap jewelry and seems that TiO2 is not a huge allergen. I do get sharp pains from time to time where my implants are but they go away within minutes, weird?? I do have bleeding gums and think I’m headed for gingivitis, regardless of how much I floss/ brush my teeth.

    Can patients slowly develop allergies over time to their implants?

    Phew – I know that was a lot but any help or comments would be appreciated. I was a healthy 29 yo and now I’m basically on disability and trying to figure out what the hell is going on with my body.

  10. Avatar for TracyTracy says

    I had all my teeth taken out and implants put in bottom was good for 8 weeks teeth never fit right got red swollen and blisters on inside cheeks almost cleared with oral rinse then daughter got married and had to put top teeth in that night and next day my cheeks were burning and soars came back 6 weeks later soars still here mind you I still have no teeth so a lot of recitation when I talk and eat they think I was allergic to teeth did a biopsy it came back fine

    • Avatar for RitaRita says

      I’m going thru same thing. 😟 I can’t speak, I can’t figure out the best option for me. What have you decided to do? I had a reaction to zirconium as well. My teeth.. always took care of them. I had two implants with no problem. Three months into the full mouth process, things have changed drastically. Don’t know what to do. Probably do MELISA test…sigh…

  11. Avatar for JaniceJanice says

    I had 2 dental implant lower left about a year ago. Since the implant I started with full ear sensation. ENT didn’t find anything. As time went on it became worst. Canker sore on same side of tongue, irritation to the throat. I saw almost every doctor you can think of. No one can’t find the issue. The dentist remove the crown and post to see if I was allergic to crown or post material. But the irritation is getting worst . I took a mental patch test and nickel came back high. Titanium was non allergic. Should I remove the implant? I didn’t have any issues until I received the implants. Thanks

  12. Avatar for ElizabethElizabeth says

    Dr. Nejad,
    My patient has a Straumann Monopure 2 piece zirconia implant. She claims to be allergic to all metals????? My lab tech says he could only do Titanium abutment with a Zirconia crown, and the screw is metal as well. He did speak with the Straumann rep which said as well that only Tt abutment could be done. How likely could she have a reaction? The lab tech and the rep say as long as it’s contained and sealed with the crown there should be no problem.
    But my patient has never had a test to make sure she is truely allergic.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      I would review this with the patient. There are systems that avoid metal altogether which would have been preferable, but this is still less exposure and something you should inform the patient about and let them decide how to proceed.

  13. Avatar for SharonSharon says

    I too believe I am having an allergic reaction to all 8 implants. They all failed all at once. Which is very weird. I have chronic fatigue, developed fibromyalgia, having issues thinking and remembering. I also have a lot of medical issues that prevent bone loss due to early menopause pause. I have high blood pressure, taking depression meds and a few other meds that hinder bone growth. Is it the oral surgeons responsibility to check these things out and do an allergy test? I had mine put in 2015 and now all 8 have failed. I have no idea what the heck to do. Does anyone here have any advice? I am going tomorrow for a MELISA test a labcor. You will need to have your doctor write an order for you to go so you can use your insurance. Does anyone have any advice as to why all 8 have failed suddenly at the same time?

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Sharon. Firstly, I am sorry you are going through this and I sincerely feel for you. It is not anyone’s job/requirement to do an allergy test. The MELISSA test is a hypersensitivity test (not allergy) and despite how many people you see commenting here, the rate of complications with implants is extremely low worldwide. I don’t disagree that it would be nice if it were done or at least offered so I know what you mean, but I just want to clarify it is not the standard of care. Its impossible to know why they all failed, but any condition that affects bone remodeling could contribute to this. Some conditions that complicate implant success include diabetes (compromised wound healing), osteoporosis, & bisphosphonate use. Social habits such as smoking can also contribute. None of these conditions contraindicates implants, but they do increase the possibility of complications. Have you asked the Oral Surgeon why this happened? That would be the first place, then the second would be a second opinion from an Oral Surgeon or Periodontist. Was it one of those one-day implant clinics by any chance? Best – MN

  14. Avatar for ClaudiaClaudia says

    I had the skin test for titanium allergies. It showed negative,but, I still have severe itchiness! Where do I have the melisa test? I know I have it and have for two years since hip surgery.

    Claudia Millis
    [email protected]

    Please help.

    • Avatar for SharonSharon says

      Go to your medical doctor and ask him or her to write an order for a MELISA test and take it to a local labcor. That way you can use your insurance to help pay for the test. I hope this helps.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Sharon- Can you provide a link or any additional information. MELISA requires a specific test kit, sent rapidly back to Melisa in Germany. I have contacted Quest and LabCorp in the past and they said they will not order the kit or take patient-provided kits so that makes it almost impossible. Additionally, it needs to be sent out extremely rapidly to be accepted because it needs to arrive in Germany within 48-hours. Can you please keep me posted if the test is accepted/successful? It would be extremely helpful for the readers of this article and I would include that information in the blog post. Would you also please give me the contact for your local LabCorp so I can contact them and ask some questions, please? The ones here were not willing to do the test, and if they are now that is very useful for everyone. Thank you! Best- MN

  15. Avatar for CarolynCarolyn says

    Hello. Are you still answering questions? Thank you!

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Carolyn- When time permits. It’s hard to manage with my work schedule these days and youtube. Best -MN

  16. Avatar for CarolynCarolyn says

    Hello Dr. Matt. I currently have 10 dental implants and had them all done within approx. 2 to 3 years and that was over 8 years ago. Let me clarify this by saying that I did have 11 up until November 12th, 2021. I had to get the #14 completely removed due to a horrific infection around the implant site and major unexplained bone loss as well. The pain was and is off the charts. I currently have 6 more implants on left and 4 on lower right. Through the past 3-1/2 years I have been ill with various symptoms including the biggest one being pain on left side of my head. I now see a Neurologist and this has not helped one bit. More recently, I am having problems with swelling on left side of upper arm and breast, extremely high blood pressure, vascular vein problems and much pain in my legs and a huge problem with my intestinal tract. Severe constipation and more. I am feeling defeated and feel that I am being labeled as a hypochondriac in the medical world. Depression and Anxiety have taken a hold of my life and I am not sure what to do next.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Carolyn- I am very sorry to hear that. It is a frustrating situation for sure. There isn’t much data on this and most providers don’t know what to do and/or think it is psychological. In some cases it is psychological but I believe there is more to it. The reality is that most people are completely fine with it, but not everyone reacts the same so anything is possible. The problem is that removing them is pretty invasive and it’s not something to jump to unless there are no other options. I don’t remove implants personally, but if I was doing it, I would be crystal clear that there is NO guarantee that this improves any of your symptoms because it is impossible to be positive they arise from the implant. If that is a risk you are willing to accept, then removing them might be the only option left. What happens if things don’t change after though? There are a lot of possibilities and the body is so complex. It’s something II really wish was easier to manage. Best- MN

    • Avatar for RitaRita says

      I’m feeling your pain. Have so many of same issues, my whole mouth is affected adversely by implants. Wish I had never gone this route.

  17. Avatar for TomTom says

    After I had locator implants done, I developed “ibs” which I have now had several surgeries including a foot of intestine removed. Is it possible that the IBS-like symptoms are the result of titanium implants?

    • Avatar for MaliaMalia says

      Hey Tom,

      I think I’m going through something similar.

      I got a tooth implant about 9 years ago. Ever since I’ve had digestive issues – IBS. I did take multiple rounds of antibiotics during the procedures which is linked to creating IBS.

      I’m wondering if there is a possibility of the metal in the implant leading to metal toxicity in the body. Which can be linked to IBS and an immune response. I plan to take a test to see what my metal levels are.

      Just want you to know you’re not alone. It’s hard to navigate and IBS is tough.

      – Malia

    • Avatar for AlisonAlison says

      Kimberly, I’m terribly sorry you’re having to listen to this Moron. I have also read all the same literature you have undoubtedly read. And Yes you are exactly right. It does say neurological issues which do include Anxiety , Depression and insomnia. If you actually look back and read all of these Dentist (and yes I use the term extremely loosely) advice and opinions, both of them say and insinuate that there is no possible way any of us can have Titanium Hypersensitivity (Titanium allergy). But yet we all just read it before we scroll down to the Brilliant Dentist we have that are saying they have never heard of such a thing. Well I underwent 3 back surgeries because my surgeon kept telling me that NO ONE EVER rejects a cadaver ( clean human) bone. So they opened me up 3 different times and that little cadaver bone was just floating around in my spine and never connected to my body. So on the 3rd operation the surgeon removed it (and lo and behold like I had never mentioned it) and informed me that my body had rejected the cadaver bone. Said like he had suspected and known the entire time that it was going to happen. The problem with the Doctors and Dentists is they went to Medical School and think their intelligence is so damn superior to ours. Us ignorant and uneducated common people. But what they seem to not understand is that we live and have occupied the vessels we call our bodies. Therefore no one knows them better than we do! So when something is off or out of kilter with our bodies we know it, feel it and are acutely aware something is definitely wrong. So please don’t I don’t give up! You know something is not right right right with your body. So I hope you go and find a true professional that will take you seriously and help you with what’s going on with you and your body. God Bless you and I hope only the best for you!

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      I am terribly sorry you need to call me a moron for being open and honest. I said I am not aware of any connections. People like you make me not want to share and provide this information openly. I could just as easily not put this content out. You might not be aware that I do not place implants, I have no actual preference whether you place implants, and I am personally fine if you decide to remove them. I have no hidden agenda and I do this to open up a conversation. There is really no need for you to be so rude and condescending, it’s disappointing really.

      I clearly stated what the “neurological problems” were referencing. I have seen at least 10,000 patients who do not have anxiety, insomnia, or depression from implants and I can say that none have ever made that connection. I can NOT say it’s impossible that it does cause any of those conditions but it is certainly not common and there is no scientific study to make the causal association. It sounds like you absolutely know best though and what do I (moron) know anyway.

      Well, I do know this… What happens if you remove an implant and the problem in question does not go away? I know the patient isn’t happy, and the medical provider isn’t happy either. I have seen patients acknowledge that treatment may not improve their condition during the informed consent process, yet still become disappointed or angry when a procedure does not cure their problem. Naturally, that makes many providers extremely hesitant to do whatever a patient says or promise results that are not easily proven or scientifically supported. If you know anything about the body at all, you know that it is complex enough that it would be nearly impossible to pinpoint the cause of a particular condition down to an implant with absolute certainty. I have patients with IBS and dementia who do not have implants or root canals. My GF has IBS and she doesn’t even have a single dental procedure. There are many different reasons people have different conditions and many medical conditions are multi-factorial. My only goal is to provide the information I know and I am sorry you feel the need to be so disrespectful but I wish you the best anyway. I am sure you would be an excellent medical professional and there is nothing stoping you from doing so.

  18. Avatar for Laken GreenLaken Green says

    interested in titanium allergy test

  19. Avatar for LeslieLeslie says

    My mother has had numerous procedures on her mouth. One or two bridges, crowns, too many to count. Over the past year or so, (since her last dental bridge was put in) she has experienced swelling of her gums, profuse bleeding of the same area, severe weight loss secondary to having her sense of taste and smell being WAY off and not being able to eat-at all. (She has to drink Ensure shakes to maintain herself these days. She also has patches of itchy skin primarily on her back that come and go. I feel she’s been experiencing mental status changes since all of this has been going on as well. I’ve sent her to every doctor we know of. ENT specialists, primary care, neurology, you name it. She’s had scans and testing to rule out everything under the sun. Negative-everything. What I find amusing is her dentist as well, (like so many others mentioned in people’s comments) say it’s “uncommon” and “unrelated” to have it be anything to do with the work they did or the “implants, bridges,” or whatever they’ve done for people to have reactions/issues from it. It looks like even you experts keep telling person after person it’s “probably not” related because it’s “so rare” but IS IT??? Under the same breath, you also say that the majority of things/implants put in patients mouths, “don’t list EXACTLY” what’s in these foreign objects being placed in patients mouths/bodies??? How is this possible? Then, after spending $20, $30 thousand dollars. The dentist just says….??????? Crickets. I would like answers from someone, and someone to figure out what’s wrong with my mother. It’s her mouth. But we are left to try and figure things out on our own. Where do I take her next?

  20. Avatar for DonnaDonna says

    It seems like many people have issues with titanium implants. I mysteriously developed urticaria after first two implants 20 yrs ago and never made the connection. I got two more implants two years ago and it was the start of feeling completely unhealthy. Being tested now, but regardless, I am convinced I am toxic and plan to have all four removed.

  21. Avatar for LizLiz says

    Can you have dental implants taken out after 4 years if you are allergic and experiencing terrible symptoms like depression, sleepless nights, fatigue, loss of appetite? My friend has had the Melisa test and is allergic to nickel and is going through constant hell. She won’t go back to the place where she had the implants because she has had a bad experience in the first place. Her two front teeth have also chipped so it has not been worth her pain, money or time. Please could you advise if the implants can be removed after such a long period because I understand they fuse to the bone. Thank you

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Liz, They can be removed but it’s not necessarily straightforward depending on the specifics. I would see a specialist to consult about options. Best- MN

  22. Avatar for NicNic says

    Is a gold metal implant potentially better than a titanium one? do you offer or recommend gold as an alternative to titanium?

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Gold is not an option for implant materials. Early studes showed it was not possible to get osseointegration around gold (establish soft tissue/cell-free interfaces).

  23. Avatar for SavioSavio says

    hello all, here is my question to you and the team.
    I am post testicular cancer, is there any risk associated with me wanting to get a dental implant? Are there any implications with the use of a titanium implant?
    I have no known allergies except to rag weed pollen.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hello, there are no risks I am aware of, but it would be a good idea to have a full evaluation and consult with your treating physicians. Best- MN

  24. Avatar for KimberlyKimberly says

    Thank you for your reply but the above states there can be neurological problems if you have a titanium allergy. Would this not include anxiety? If not what neurological problems can arrise from a titanium allergy. Also for the MElisa test my doctor can not seen to find where to order this even when i showed him the website. Is there a place with easier access for him to go and order?

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      As I mentioned, I am not aware of anyone reporting anxiety and I explained that anything is possible but I have not seen anyone make this connection. If you are looking for strong evidence to make that link, you simply will not find it. If you have any references, please send my way. The only I could find is related to Titanium dioxide nanoparticles injected into rats but that’s not very comparable. The more common (but still rare) neurological problem patients report is chronic pain and discomfort, phantom pain, shooting pain, etc.

  25. Avatar for JemmaJemma says

    I have had the MELISA test and positive for some of it’s components. My knee replacement is ceramic but I have a titanium holding it on. Iuse to have dental implants to hold my dentures in place, but had to have them removed about 3 yrs after. I have chronic fatigue and much more. I would give anything to have ceramic teeth implants but of course I can’t afford them. Wondered if you need a person to use as a life changing procedure for your practice? I would be great full and more than happy to show the world how youchanged my life. Thankyou

  26. Avatar for KimberlyKimberly says

    Can dental implants cause anxiety or neurological issues like ALS? I had one placed and I developed extreme anxiety afterwards and it has been going on for a year. Never had anxiety before and its extreme now to the point I am getting random twitching as well from the anxiety. Is this possible? Also what is the removal process? Mine is a 7mm ultra wide implant and I want it out but scared of the removal.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Kimberly- There is no documented evidence of neurological issues like ALX or anxiety. I suppose anything is possible and if you read around on the internet, you will find some similar encounters but really what matters is to answer your question that there is no way to know for sure or accurately diagnose that. You could have it removed but its a pretty invasive process. They can be very difficult to remove requiring troughing around the implant, but it may be possible to unwind it depending on the details. I would recommend you have a consultation with a periodontist or oral surgeon if you want to explore this option but I just want to emphasize that this would be trial and error so make sure you are ok with that.

    • Avatar for LindaLinda says

      I’ve had 5 surgeries on my knee how can I find out if I’m allergic to the implant – I am trying to save my leg
      Thank you
      [email protected]

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      To the dental implant or the knee implant?

    • Avatar for EmmaEmma says

      Hi Kimberly, yes there is documented research re anxiety being linked to implants! Really recommend you watch ‘Root Cause’ Directed by Frazier Bailey. Informative, fact based and shocking. I am looking to have my titanium implants removed. Good luck and be well soon x

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      False. There is no documented research. ‘Root Cause’ is not research. I have no problem with removing your implants if you believe this may help, but I have a big problem with incorrect information being labeled research. It is ok to have an opinion, but it is not ok to pass it off as research. To meet the threshold of research, you would need random groups of participants, split into two groups, followed over years to determine cause or association. No such research exists and it is unfortunate that people don’t realize the difference between research and opinion. It should be very clear that a large portion of the population has titanium implants without anxiety, so if anything, there is evidence more likely to indicate the opposite. Best- MN

    • Avatar for ChristinaChristina says

      Hi Kimberly, did you have your implants removed? How are you feeling now? I started getting muscle twitching 3 weeks after getting upper and lower titanium implants. It’s gotten a bit worse over the past 16 months of having them. I made an appointment to get them removed. I’m so scared about the twitching.

    • Avatar for ChrisChris says

      How are your symptoms now? Did the twitching go away? What did you find out?

  27. Avatar for SueSue says

    Could a 3D CT scan result in dizziness, imbalance & ringing in ears?( tinnitis)

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Sue- Not that I am aware of. They are reported to have no immediate side effects and I have not had any patients experience this. All the Best- MN

  28. Avatar for stevensteven says

    Hello dr stanley
    I have 11 implants which have been in for 12 years all are fine apart from one which is in the botton jaw at the lower back.for whatever reason i get agitation next to the implant been looked at and am told nothing is wrong have lived with this since 3 months after being put in im thinking of having it removed.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hi Steven,

      If you have a bunch of implants and none are causing problems, then you definitely aren’t allergic to the one. However, if the one on the lower jaw is causing you pain, there may be some infection or excess cement there that is bothering you. Also, it could be close to the nerve or not fully integrated. A 3D CT scan could give you some more information on what to do. Please keep us posted if you find out.
      Dr. Stanley

  29. Avatar for AlexandraAlexandra says

    I just had an extraction of my 3rd molar and I am considering titanium implant as my best replacement option. I am worry I could be allergic to some metals since sometimes I have rashes when I wear watches, some metal necklaces or earrings, not sure if it could have a relationship for titanium implant. I research about the Melissa test and it seems hard to do it now since the Coronavirus the clinic close to me stopped doing it and the test is only diagnostic in Germany which is difficult with the shipping situation now. What other options are available?? Is the patch test as efficient as Melissa test (is easier to get than Melissa but could just be a waster of money??) Thanks

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Alexandra, First of all, I would almost always refrain from replacing a third molar with an implant. I don’t know the exact condition of your mouth but this is really not necessary 99% of the time. With that said, in my opinion, none of the tests are completely reliable but any information is better than no information when you have concerns like you do. If you don’t need an implant for the third molar, hopefully, that would be the simplest solution for your predicament. Otherwise, I would go with a patch test or see an allergist for sensitivity testing. All the Best-MN

  30. Avatar for JanJan says

    Hi I had an implant in January ever since I have had metal taste with glen that’s hard to get out. My ears plugged and hurt. Very tired. Some strange things never had before. My dentist assures me it’s not the implant it looks good and in place. My concern I’m having metal reactions. How difficult is it to remove after almost 4 months. I do not have the tooth in yet.

    • Avatar for adminadmin says

      Hi Jan,

      Depends where the implant is and how well it has integrated, but it is most likely possible. I would get another opinion if you don’t feel like your concerns are addressed. Keep in mind that if the implant is removed, and your symptoms persist, then you will still need to determine the cause of your symptoms. Its best to evaluate all possibilities before resorting to removing the implant, but if that is your ultimate goal, then I would get an opinion sooner to explore the process. Best- MN

    • Avatar for JanJan says

      Thank you I appreciate your opinion. I no had no systems before this. I have chronic fatigue syndrome And have worked hard and have had under control by taking good care of myself. I will take your advise and way all options first. My concern if removed how much of a problem is it. I am getting a second opinion. I do value yours also. Thank you so much.

  31. Avatar for Lisa HennekamLisa Hennekam says

    I had two dental implants put in January 13th. Around February 18th My scalp started to itch right behind one ear. It gradually spread over most of my scalp, and then to various other places on the trunk of my body, elbows, arm and a little on top of my hand. Once it moved to my bodyand and I could see it, it is defininitely a rash, and it keeps moving from place to place. No rash on face, no problems in mouth. Dermatologists have been trying to solve problem and gave me a script for a ton of lab tests. As I was leaving office yesterday, nurse stopped me and said, the doctor just told me to ask you if you’ve had any dental work in last six months. I said “as a matter of fact, yes….”. By the time I got home nurse had called and left a message that I should contact my oral surgeon asap – that I might have a titanium allergy. Haven’t called yet, today is Saturday. What do you think? Should I get tested for titanium allergy BEFORE I go thru and pay for a bunch of other tests? Thanks for your help.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Thanks for the question. Have you ever had any sensitivities to metals before? I think it might be worth getting tested before you do any treatment. Tests are minimally invasive and less costly and can give you some good information. I wish you the best!

    • Avatar for KimberlyKimberly says

      Hello sir,
      I had an implant placed last year in bottom right molar tooth number 30 amd within 2 weeks i had rash all iver back neck and scalp it it hed for months then i developed eye infections as well i have never had and dizziness all the time along with increased anxiety over this. I have tried to find testing for the MELISA but no allergist will order it and half dont know what it is. Any suggestions? Could this be an allergy to the titanium? It was a keystone 7mm implant super wide…o also saw another surgeon who said the implant was alnost to the nerve and was not 1 to 2mm away…how is the recovery of removal? And could it cause further nerve damage?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      I’m sorry to hear this. Yes, this could be an allergy. I’m sorry but I don’t have any advice about getting a MELISA test. We have had other patients that have been able to find a way to get one. We are not involved in this.

      As far as removing the implant, this really depends on the case. Sometimes the implant will just reverse out and there is really no damage at all but sometimes it can remove bone and tissue when being removed. If it is close to your nerve, there is of course risk in that. I wish you all the best and hope you get the help you need!
      Dr. Stanley

  32. Avatar for KoyKoy says

    Hello sir.
    I recieved 4 titanium implant 9 years ago. And I had skin problems with nickel when i was born but not so often but since 2 years now my skin started to rach or hives around my body all over and it keeps changing the area it keeps me up at night with all the itching. Hives and sometimes it go away especially this year i got pregnant and it keeps coming up on different area a the time
    How can I fix it?
    Thank you

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      If these skin problems are due to your titanium implants, you would need to remove the implants. However, I would first rule out all other sources AND get tested for titanium sensitivity. It can be costly and invasive to remove implants so you would want to make sure this is the best thing to do. I wish you the best!

  33. Avatar for Alison L PrestonAlison L Preston says

    I had a titanium implant fitted on 16th March to replace a missing front tooth after extraction of tooth root which I was told was fractured & had abscesses (this tooth previously had a metal stump with crown attached which inserted into my root & had given me years of discomfort & I believe ill health). I do not know which metal material the original stump was made of but my general dentist told me it was stainless steel & confiscated it after extraction.

    I had the titanium implant fitted by a specialist at the same clinic in the UK which involved some gum surgery to adjacent tooth gum as crown lengthening was necessary to create an even smile of two front teeth. I was given 4 anti biotics & approx six numbing injections before the procedure. All went ok & specialist placed a false tooth (which fits to roof of mouth) in the gap & told to remove at bedtime. The anaesthetic didn’t wear off for 5hrs I then experienced expected pain. I removed the false insert before sleep but thought some stiches had undone as bleeding occured (managed to stop & slept upright all night). The next morning rang the clinic, told to do salt water mouthwashes not to worry it would be fine. The following day I was experiencing pain around gum & my glands in groin were swollen so I took a Panadol painkiller. Awoke 5.30am next morning with diarrhoea & skin rash which continued for three days.

    The clinic rang me on the 23rd March to change my review appointment from 7th April to 26th May & I told them my symptoms. They thought I may have been allergic to the anti biotics. I rang the clinic again that week due to migraine but they had closed their doors due to the Coronavirus outbreak & were only taking emergencies. The specialist rang me on 31st to reasure me.
    I sent an email & text to the specialist (included photos of mouth & skin rash on arm) on 4th April – still in pain. He dismissed the rash but told me to cut out the bunched up stitches with a pair of small scissors. I have managed to do this but with great difficulty. Over all this time I could not place the false tooth back into the gap due to discomfort.
    LuckIly, my friend offered to do my main food shopping for me during this pandemic lockdown. I have worn a mask when taking the dog out (to everyone’s amusement) but thought it was the most sensible thing to do.
    The past five days I’ve attempted to place the false tooth in the gap but seem to get throbbing from the implant & still have painful glands in my groin. It is now May 3rd & am concerned that I may be allergic to the titanium implant or it has not taken properly.
    Would you suggest allergy testing? Plus due to the current situation regarding the Coronavirus my dental team are reluctant to see patients. Do you know whether implants can be removed after being fixed in for weeks? I have yet to have the abutment & Crown fitted.
    Hope you can give me some help/advice on a way forward.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      I’m sorry to hear about your experience. Implants are easy to remove before 6 weeks of post-operative time since they will not have integrated yet. After a few months, they can be difficult to remove but it is still possible and case dependant.

  34. Avatar for JadwigaJadwiga says

    After dental implant (titanium) I developed itching, hives on the skin all over my body (mostly the back of my body). dermatologist could not find the couse and concluded “no further treatment needed!!
    I went on internet looking for some guidance,
    it seems to me that I am allergic to titanium.
    Q:1. will this hives will ever go away? What are the prognosis in the similar situation?
    Q:2. Is titanium from Germany better than from other country, (seems China, France , Switzerland and the countries are making titanium implants)
    With appreciation for your anticipated answer.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      It is difficult to tell what will happen. IF you have a true allergy to the materials, I would predict that your situation will not get better. Titanium is titanium no matter where it comes from, however, you need to know what other metals are contained within the titanium used from each company.

  35. Avatar for DavidDavid says

    I have been trying to find out more about what symptoms are in a little more detail when it comes to titanium implants. I currently have two. A few months after the second one I started getting mouth sores and my hips aches and stiffened up after sitting for a period of time. Since then other joints have experienced pain, mainly elbows, and some in my fingers. My back has a knot in it that did not change after going to a chiropractor. I get occasional headaches and do not have any real pain in my mouth surrounding the implants. I have had extensive tests done for autoimmune diseases and the other standard testing with it all negative. I am wondering if any of this could be related to implants/titanium!!

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi David- It could be related, but there isn’t any standard reaction I am aware of and I suspect there is a lot of potential variability between different individuals. Mouth sores have been mentioned several times so it seems like a common presentation. I want to be very clear that we have put this information out there to open up the discussion and hear from patients like you, but by no means do we have this all figured out. I believe titanium is well tolerated by an overwhelming majority of patients, but a small percentage of patients are affected adversely because they are either more sensitive or allergic. Even though this is rare, it is still a serious concern and something I am very interested in. To answer your question, it could be related but there is no non-invasive way to be certain so I would urge caution.

  36. Avatar for NeveenNeveen says

    Hello sir ,
    About 3 months ago i had implant couple hours i felt eye pressure movement pain sometimes, on second follow up appointment he tightened my abutment couple hours i had throbbing pain in cheek bones so doctor did cbct scan tooth behind implant root canal broke and infected so he extracted it second day my nose was pulsating and tingling facial And pressure in head its been going on for 2 months Do you think it’s from implant or extraction? I also went to neurologist and ent and did mri/mra to check on nerve every thing showed normal! I can email you my cbct dental implant before and after too , please help i need second opinion if i need to remove the implant .
    Thank you!

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Neveen- It could be from the implants, the extraction, or even some unrelated condition. The CBCT imaging before and after could help but sometimes in-person evaluation would be necessary to accurately determine the cause. Even then, sometimes everything looks ok despite symptoms but I think the CBCT imaging could be revealing. If you are interested in a second opinion, we could do a remote consultation. Submit the form here and someone from my team will contact you to arrange the consultation.

    • Avatar for DonnaDonna says

      Neveen, I have very similar events like you did…. Implant with discomfort… after measurements for abutment, lots of pain in jaw, cheek, eye, ear area…. after abutment placed, same thing… weird! Also had MRI (neurologist) with nothing to show… ugh. I plan on getting the final crown on my implant, because I am tired of no tooth….. Really ironic that you have had similar symptoms as I did… good luck…. I may look locally for a melisa test.

  37. Avatar for Kimberly CurryKimberly Curry says

    I had 3 titanium teeth implants procedures done in Mexico . 1 in August 2019 and 2 in February 2020. I have been getting ulcers in my mouth often and now I have something going on with my tongue. Swelling, red and a burning soreness. I know all of my life I could never wear costume jewelry because of itchy rashes. Could the implants be causing this problem in my mouth ?

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Kimberly- There are a lot of possibilities. I recommend you have this evaluated as soon as possible. It could be the implants, especially if a lower quality or generic type of implant was used which may be the case. There is no benefit in speculating though. Please have this evaluated urgently. I hope your condition improves. All the best – MN

  38. Avatar for Judith HerrellJudith Herrell says

    I have been reading your blog Kyle, thank you for all your information.
    2 mo. ago I had my implant in lower left jaw,ever since lm experienceing noise in my left, ear it’s a drumming sound ( like my heartbeat) keeps me awake at night,plus I’m starting to get spells of dizziness. If I do have a allerg,how do I connect withGermany to get the MELISA testing.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      I’m sorry to hear you are having this problem. We are not connected to the lab in Germany so you have to call/email them yourself to arrange for the test. We have had patients do this on their own before and get a test. I wish you the best!

    • Avatar for YuliYuli says

      Hi Judith:
      I saw your post on Dr. Kyle Stanley’s blog. I had a tooth implant at the end of January 2021. Since then I have had the same reaction, drumming sound in ears, dizziness, like you did. I wonder if your problem has resolved and if you found the root cause of it. I am very grateful that I am not the only person with this reaction.

  39. Avatar for Nancy GroomesNancy Groomes says

    I had an implant done 10 years ago. I have constant pain, irritated gums around the tooth with the implant. Extremely dark circles under my eyes that developed after the implant was put in. My lips are always irritated. Many dentists, I say many because I have tried to get it solved and each dentist tries something and sends me on….changed the crown from ceramic to gold, fixed the so called bent abutment, use non-traditional toothpastes and mouth rinses, drugs and still have trouble. I can’t wear cheap earrings or my ears burn from the metal. Any ideas on this?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      It sounds like you could be allergic to your implant. The fact that your ears burn from cheap metal makes me think this. You should go to a dentist who really understands this phenomenon. I would also take a MELISA test if I were you. You can go online and find out how to get a test.

  40. Avatar for Carol MatsumotoCarol Matsumoto says

    Dr Stanley,

    I had an dental implant, (titanium), about 4 months ago, and about 2 months ago started having angioedema symptoms, including mouth soreness, lip swelling that comes and goes. I also have fatigue as well as joint pain. My GI doctor cleared me for any GI causes, (I also have Crohn’s), but suggests that I see an oral pathologist since we have been unable to pinpoint the cause of what is now becoming a chronic condition. Since oral pathologists are few and far between, should I see an allergist first? I also have an allergy to nickel and also to Neomycin. Also, is the packing material used in the healing process known to cause any allergic reactions? It was bright blue, resembled a strechy thick dental floss.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Carol, I would recommend you see an oral pathologist as recommended by your GI specialist. Some implants have trace amounts of Nickel. I am unaware of the packing material causing any allergic reactions but if this was 4 months ago, and the membrane has resorbed or been removed, then I would think that the reaction to this would be an unlikely cause since the source is gone. Wishing you all the best- Matt Nejad DDS

  41. Avatar for Martin TurnerMartin Turner says

    Three years ago I had implants inserted into my front upper gum. I’ve had numbness and pressure in my gums and nose ever since. It’s actually getting worse. Also sinus problems.
    The odd thing is other implants in my lower left jaw and upper right jaw seem to be ok. Is it possible for rejection to occur in one area of the mouth and not others ?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      It would be very unlikely for this to be an allergy. This is probably more based on the positioning of the implant into the nose or sinus. I would get a CT scan and have it evaluated to look for positioning.
      Dr Stanley

  42. Avatar for Mary HealyMary Healy says

    Hi – I had a dental impant done November 2019, and ever since then I have had an itchy, irritation in my gums, roof of mouth and tongue. Very uncomfortable feeling. Could this be an allergy?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Yes, this could be an allergy. Are you allergic to other types of metals that you know of?
      Dr. Stanley

  43. Avatar for BarbBarb says

    My 66 y/o husband had two upper molars removed with appropriate healing time delay before titanium rods placed. Three weeks post that procedure, l he experienced an eczema outbreak on both hands and significant swelling of both eye lids and facial swelling. Benedryl tempered the swelling. A similar flare occurred 3 more times in the last two months. His general dentist (in NJ) who placed the rods does not acknowledge any connection. Do u suggest consulting an oral surgeon and/ or allergist for a second opinion? Thank you for your input.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      I think he should get tested for sure. It could be related.
      Dr Stanley

  44. Avatar for Mary Kay BorischMary Kay Borisch says

    I have Chronic Fatigue and Fibro. I have a dental titanium implant and the Melisa test shows I am allergic to 2 nickel types. I’ve had this implant 15 years and have had progressive CFS. I am planning to get this out. Have you seen people recover from CFS after removal? Is it a nightmare to remove? Number 13 tooth.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Yes, often times you will recover. It can be easy to remove but may require some small bone removal which can be grafted. You should be fine! Good luck!

  45. Avatar for KimKim says

    Hi I recieved a titanium implant 4 months ago. I have never had skin problems and have started to develop all sorts of skin and eye ailments. A rach on my neck all the way to my scalp that has my dermatologist and allergist dumbfounded. It keeps me up at night with all the itching. Hives for no reason randomly appear sometimes then go away. I have no issues at the site of the implant though. So everyone disregards. When I asked for the MSDS sheet to know what exactly was in the implant they did not know what that was. I also have been increasingly dizzy for no reason what so ever. Do you know if these are symptoms and what can be done?
    I also had a previous mini implant from 12 years ago have no idea what was in it as it was a different dentist but did not experience and of these symptoms. Can one titanium implant differ from the other in terms of metals used? Any advice greatly appreciated.

    • Avatar for Dr. Matt NejadDr. Matt Nejad says

      Hi Kim- unfortunately there is no one specific combination that is used universally. This type of information really should be included with every implant, but unfortunately is not. In a 2019 study by Chaubey et al., they examined the composition of 5 brands and found varying amounts of: Titanium, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Tin, Vanadium, Molybdenum, Zirconium, Niobium, Zinc, Tungsten, and Nickel. In a few (3) of the implants tested, Titanium made up over 99% and in the other 2 titanium was 89%. I would recommend further evaluation. The problem is that removing the implant is pretty invasive and its best to evaluate all options beforehand. Some people ultimately elect to remove the implants, though I have seen cases where this improved symptoms as well as cases where symptoms would persist- I recommend a cautious approach. Wishing you all the best- Matt Nejad DDS

  46. Avatar for Trish FlanaryTrish Flanary says

    What is the turn around time for your MELISA tests? Do you send them to Germany for processing? We are in Texas and deperately trying to find the quickest way to get a MELISA test. My husband had rare surgery at UCLA, and a small titanium plate closes the hole in his craniumHe has extreme fatigue, a rash and a couple of other symptoms. He’s had a lumbar puncture, caraotid arteries checked, every blood test imaginable and CT Scans, chest Xrays, etc. All were good. We researched, and are sure he has Titanium Allergy. We know he needs the MELISA test, and are looking for the quickest way to get it processed. Do you have access to anything quicker than what the MELISA siteoffers online?
    Thanks for taking time to respond.

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says


      I’m sorry to hear about your husband. I do not know the turn around time with MELISA in Germany but you do have to send it to them. Contact them directly and they can give you the turn around time. I hope your husband gets better soon!
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

  47. Avatar for Linda BaronLinda Baron says

    I had eight titanium implants removed 3 weeks ago because they were literally killing me for whatever reason I had some sort of ionic or galvanization or whatever they call it I suffered through 6 months of agonizing pain in every joint bilaterally throughout my whole body I’m almost 100% better now since I had these things removed

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says


      I’m sorry to hear this. Did you ever have any metal problems before your implant surgery? (sensitivity to copper, lead, jewelry, coins, etc?)

      I’m glad to hear you are going better.
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

    • Avatar for StephaneStephane says

      Hi!! Had an implant placed on #28 in May and I too am experiencing joint pain in my knees and also twitching throughout my body, mostly arms and legs. MI thinking of having it removed. Did you experience any twitching?hanks

    • Avatar for AhminaAhmina says

      I would like my upper 2 titanium implants removed as I believe they are causing me to suffer from dizziness & swelling of the face & skin irritation.
      Could you suggest a surgeon who could remove them
      I live in Ilford London UK

  48. Avatar for JOHN C SHEARERJOHN C SHEARER says

    Nearly five years ago my wife received two titanium rods in her lower jaw to secure a full denture. Soon after the implant procedure she began experiencing chronic nausea and other symptoms such as hair loss, fatigue, sinus congestion and eventually weakening of one of the implant rods. She received numerous gastroenterological tests to determine the cause of the nausea, all of which were negative. It was recently suggested she be tested for possible allergic and intolerance reactions to titanium which resulted in a diagnoses of positive sensitivity to the material. She was also found to have an early detection of a malignant lesion on the lower left lobe of her lung which required surgical removal This occurred some four years after the implant procedure. At no time was she screened for allergic sensitivity to titanium prior to the procedure or informed of the possibility of such. The dentist who performed the procedure has now refused to remove the implants or acknowledge any possible connection with the problems my wife has experienced. Are you aware of any similar symptoms associated with titanium dental implants?

    • Avatar for Dr. Kyle StanleyDr. Kyle Stanley says

      Hello John,

      I’m sorry to hear about your wife and her symptoms. Most of the commonly occurring symptoms are listed on this blog. Because true titanium allergy is VERY rare, we don’t see a lot of patients with this problem. Most of them are also allergic to nickel and they usually tell the doctor about that. These are patients that can never wear jewelry, metal glasses, etc so it is a large part of their life which they commonly tell their doctors. Although we would never know, I would think that the malignant lesion has nothing to do with the titanium allergy and was a coincidence. The reason we don’t commonly test patients for titanium allergy is that it is so rare. Another thing your wife could be allergic to is the material involved in the restoration (some people are allergic to acrylic). Which type of test did she have to determine her titanium allergy? I wish you and your wife all the best!
      Dr. Kyle Stanley

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